Hey, hey! [Speaking Huttese] Are you going to pay for that? Huh? Wanga? It costs seven wupiupi.
Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace
What's that? It's blowing up from the inside!
Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace
Mesa caused mabbe one, two-y lettle bitty axadentes, huh? Yud-say boom da gassar, den crashin der boss's heyblibber, den banished.
Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace
Many things will change when we reach the capital, Ani, but my caring for you will remain.
Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace
Coruscant. The entire planet is one big city. There's Chancellor Valorum's shuttle. And look over there. Senator Palpatine is waiting for us.
Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace
Once we get inside, you find a safe place to hide and stay there. - Sure. - Stay there.
Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace
Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace
They're here! Good. They made it.
Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace
Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace
[Anakin] Here, you'll like these pallies. - Here. - Thank you.
Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace
- [Beeps] - The boy's here to see Padme. [Woman] Let him in.
Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace
This storm will slow them down. - Looks pretty bad. - [Beeps] - Panaka. - [Man] Receiving a message from home. - We'll be right there. - [Beeps]
Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace
All of them.
Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace
Be safe. I will, Mom. I promise.
Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace
Isn't he great? He's not finished yet. He's wonderful. - [Beeping] -[Anakin] You really like him? He's a protocol droid to help Mom. Watch. Oh. Oh. Uh... Where is everybody? Whoops. Yeah. Oh, hello. I am C-3 PO, human-cyborg relations. How might I serve you? - He's perfect. - Oh. Perfect. When the storm is over, I'll show you my racer. I'm building a Podracer. - [Whistling] - I'm not sure this floor is entirely stable. Oh, hello. I don't believe we have been introduced. [Excited Beeping] R2-D2. A pleasure to meet you. I am C-3PO, human-cyborg relations. [Chirping, Bleeping] I beg your pardon, but what do you mean, " naked"? My parts are showing? My goodness! Oh!
Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace
She is more foolish than I thought. We are sending all troops to meet this army assembling near the swamp. It appears to be made up of primitives. This will work to our advantage. I have your approval to proceed, then, my lord? Wipe them out.
Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace
Yousa doen grand. - [Chuckles] - JarJar bring uss-en and da Naboo together. Ah, no, no, no. So, wesa make you... bombad general. General? [Moaning] - [Qui-Gon] Captain. - [Laughing] - Your Highness. - What is the situation? Almost everyone's in camps. A few hundred police and guards have formed an underground resistance movement. I brought back as many of the leaders as I could. The Federation army's also much larger than we thought, and much stronger. Your Highness, this is a battle I do not think that we can win. The battle is a diversion. The Gungans must draw the droid army away from the cities. - R2. - [Beeps] We can enter the city using the secret passages on the waterfall side. Once we get to the main entrance, Captain Panaka will create a diversion. Then we can enter the palace and capture the viceroy. Without the viceroy, they will be lost and confused. What do you think, MasterJedi? The viceroy will be well-guarded. The difficulty is getting into the throne room. Once we're inside, we shouldn't have a problem. There is a possibility, with this diversion, many Gungans will be killed. Wesa ready to do our-san part. [Amidala] We have a plan which should immobilize the droid army. We will send what pilots we have... to knock out the droid control ship orbiting the planet. A well-conceived plan. However, there's great risk. The weapons on your fighters may not penetrate the shields. [Obi-Wan] There's an even bigger danger. If the viceroy escapes, Your Highness, he will return with another droid army. Well, that is why we must not fail to get the viceroy. Everything depends on it.