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- You said you never knew Karlenko. - That's right. Then how do you explain these?
Johnny English Reborn
- What are you... - Move. - All right, all right. - Come on, move. Tucker.
Johnny English Reborn
I hacked into Karlenko's computer. You and him in Mozambique?
Johnny English Reborn
What's it called?
Johnny English Reborn
- Arrange a meeting with our client - MADELEINE: Of course.
Johnny English Reborn
ENGLISH: Hello, Patch.
Johnny English Reborn
We have the third man.
Johnny English Reborn
It's Johnny English.
Johnny English Reborn
It's all over for you now, English. It's the end of the line.
Johnny English Reborn
Yes, you'd like that, wouldn't you, Patch? After all, I'm just a jumped-up grammar school nobody, aren't I?
Johnny English Reborn
God forbid I should put a crazy idea like that in your head.
Johnny English Reborn
No, you are. No. You are!
Johnny English Reborn
PEGASUS: Take him.
Johnny English Reborn
No, Johnny. You are.
Johnny English Reborn
Silly tit.
Johnny English Reborn
Same as in Mozambique. One person, apparently working alone.
Johnny English Reborn
WOMAN: Hey! Watch it!
Johnny English Reborn
Johnny English Reborn