She got to stay up late and watch Home Alone. Uh-huh. It was so funny. - Yep. - That... that hurts. - All morning. - Okay, um... Thank you.
Violent Night
I mean, Santa might have some magic, but... making a little girl fly?
Violent Night
Don't be too hard on your parents, all right?
Violent Night
Grown-up relationships are complicated.
Violent Night
I am sorry about my sister. ♪ Making spirits bright ♪ ♪ What fun it is to ride and sing... ♪ It is really nice to see you.
Violent Night
Santa's just a thing adults tell kids to make them feel better, okay?
Violent Night
Okay, Candy Cane. Stick one of his bozaks in there. I'm not touching his balls. What, are you a princess all of a sudden? I've seen you scoop out brains before. You want me to scoop his brains out, I'll scoop his brains out right now, but I'm not touching his junk. I don't care who does it. I better be looking at flat balls, like, in three seconds. I'll do it. Krampus. Perfect. Oh, not that guy. Not that guy. That's what I love about sociopaths. Always up for trying new things. You don't need to do this, okay? No, it's all right. Um... Oh, no. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh, God. Oh, my God.
Violent Night
To have you here. ♪ Jingle all the way... ♪ Okay, I'm behind. Catch me up on all the hot goss. Hot goss. Okay. Um, well, you remember Bert, my sister's pride and joy. Yo, yo, yo. This is the Bert Locker living that bling life on Christmas Eve.
Violent Night
It takes work. A lot of work.
Violent Night
But giving you a kite, floating just beneath the clouds, well, it's about as good as it gets. I knew it. I knew you were real, Santa.
Violent Night
I remember, um... when Trudy Lightstone wrote to me. She must have been about six years old, and she said that she felt lonely sometimes. She missed having a best friend. And so I brought her a beautiful little stuffed rabbit. Mr. Bunny. And then I remember the next year, and you said you had this amazing dream and that, afterwards, all you wanted to do was... To fly! To fly. To fly.
Violent Night
Yeah, this is Santa.
Violent Night
Mrs. Claus and I have been going on year, uh, 1,100, and...
Violent Night
My daddy says there isn't any Santa.
Violent Night
Just, like... Threaten 'em or bribe 'em. This isn't rocket science. Same shit we always do.
Violent Night
Hi. Hey. Are you okay? I'm good. Uh... I was just wrapping something up. I ran away and hid in the attic. Okay. If you're safe... uh, just stay there and, uh, stay quiet, all right? Okay. I can set up booby traps, like in Home Alone. Okay, I don't know what that means, but, uh, yeah, do that. Just do it quietly.
Violent Night
I hope I'm not bothering you.
Violent Night
All right, we got satellite confirmation. Extraction team's on the go. 30 minutes. We're on schedule. Everything's good. All right, fellas. Look alive, look alive. You all know the plan, and I like my operations like I like to fuck: hard and fast with minimal cleanup. Now, some idiot gets in your way, what do you do? Fuck their shit up right! Damn right. Time to lube up.