You told me not to worry about the tickets! I thought they made us look cool. - Cones, cones... - Driver's ed car. - I'm driving. - No, you're not. - I never get to drive. I'm driving this time. - Fine! Drive! - Hey, guys. - Just borrowing this for one sec. - Sure. - Go. Go, go, go, go.
21 Jump Street
Just get in the car, man.
21 Jump Street
Don't you have a gun?
21 Jump Street
That's awesome.
21 Jump Street
That's Brad. You're the new kid who's All County in track? Yes, I'm Doug McQuaid, the track star, and this is Brad, the science prodigy.
21 Jump Street
- Don't do it, man. - Why... - Keep that dirty dick in your pants. - Dirty? Don't fuck no students.
21 Jump Street
Seriously, did you not see Eric?
21 Jump Street
Worse things in the world. We had to get fuckin' tattoos on our dicks, man. Hey, actually, I just said that - to mess with you. - What? Looks tough. Look, we know what it's like being undercover. Metro Police, Jump Street Division. Come on, you guys are Jump Street? - Yeah, yeah. - Yeah. That's funny, because we were actually Jump Street. - What? - Yeah. Oh, yeah.
21 Jump Street
- Shoot them! - Stay on them!
21 Jump Street
Here. It'll be quicker if I help.
21 Jump Street
- Oh, my God. - We love you. - Enjoy the vineyard. - You boys be good, now. Yeah, I can't believe you guys did this for us.
21 Jump Street
I really thought that one was going to explode.
21 Jump Street
I don't like that. Put your tongue back in your mouth. Put your tongue in your mouth, and close it.
21 Jump Street
Hey, guys. It's so funny seeing you here. How are you? Guess what, I don't care. We just closed our third high school operation. And check what we found at Kennedy. Looks like we're going to have to do your job for you. Your drugs is spreading to different schools now, sucker.
21 Jump Street
That's all you heard?
21 Jump Street
Remember that wiretap I put on Eric's phone? While you were having the time of your life last night, I was listening. I overheard a phone call between Eric and some dude about a piƱata.
21 Jump Street
Don't fuck no teachers.
21 Jump Street
Yes, that's what I'm talking about! That's what I'm talking about! I love this science shit! This is what you guys do all day? Let's do it again.