- Porsche! Porsche! - Police! Get out of the car, douche! I'm on a call here, jackass. That's right. Go to sleep, bitch. You just got head-butted, motherfucker! - Go, go, go, go, go, go! - Shit.
21 Jump Street
Come on, Hoffs. Give us a little credit.
21 Jump Street
You got the right to... Give me that! You got the right to... to suck my dick, motherfucker!
21 Jump Street
They don't serve vegan in jail, bitch.
21 Jump Street
No. I remember. You know why? Because I've told it to a therapist about 8,000 times. I mean, this is a fourth grade participation medal for soccer. It's literally a medal for sucking. - No, that is a medal for trying. - Yes. Let me tell you something. This guy was always a great tryer.
21 Jump Street
21 Jump Street
21 Jump Street
Do not get expelled. Nobody in the system knows you're here. All right? Nobody. You get kicked out of school, your monkey ass is getting kicked out of Jump Street. Rule number two. Burns.
21 Jump Street
First of all, your argument kind of just collapsed on itself, because if you call us narcs, if narcs call people narcs, and you call us narcs, then that's kind of... - 'Cause you just said that. - They call people... Look, I don't have time for this shit. You guys want to do this or not? - Jesus. - Yes. - Yes, yes. - No problem.
21 Jump Street
Are you undercover right now? Yes, it means I'm undercover right now. Are those the bad guys over there? Do they have guns? Oh, my God. Oh, God, this is so exciting. I have got to call Annie. She is gonna die. I heard that that Jenko boy is your partner. - Where is my phone? - Okay, okay. Shut your fucking mouth. Shut your fucking mouth, you understand me? Let's go check this out. I will straight-up punch you in the face if you do not shut up. - There is no... - A straight-up face punch. I swear to God, you're gonna get me killed. - Hey, yo. - That is...
21 Jump Street
I need you to run anchor on the 4X400 at today's track meet. You do that, and I'll sign this pass.
21 Jump Street
H2O. H2O.
21 Jump Street
Yesterday, I found a college application on your desk! I don't know how long this case is going to last. And Eric's going to get into Berkeley, and, honestly, I can get in, too. Who knows? I could ride this thing out. I could be a doctor or something. Have you lost your fucking mind? You screwed this investigation all up.
21 Jump Street
- Hey. - Hey. You guys, huh?
21 Jump Street
It's a really good time.
21 Jump Street
Sorry, Doug, - my teen son. - Mom! I love you, honey, Dougie, Doug, Douglas McQuaid. Mom, so serious right now! Stop!
21 Jump Street
There you go.
21 Jump Street
The department was forced to drop the charges because you forgot to read him his Miranda rights. What possible reason is there for not doing the only thing you have to do when arresting someone?