Oh, my God. Can we do that? Hell yeah! You know what we do? We'll get a lawyer and we'll sue the fucking government for your civil rights! Johnny, that's a great idea! Hey, hey! Maybe we get one of them Harrison Ford lawyers who gets shot in the head, then turns all retarded and nice and goes, "What we're doing is wrong." Yes. You know what, we get out there and we stick it to them good. We take that shit all the way up to Judge Judy if we have to. Yeah. But we don't know any lawyers. All our friends make sandwiches. Ah. Oh, we just Google "Boston lawyers."
Ted 2
Yes, there is.
Ted 2
Ted and Tami-Lynn were married once again, and soon afterward, they adopted a fine, young baby boy.
Ted 2
Johnny, meet your new godson, Apollo Creed Clubber Lang. JOHN: Oh, Teddy, he's adorable. Oh! And we got something for him, too. John, show him. Oh, shit, yeah. Hold on. TAMI-LYNN: He got you something.
Ted 2
GUY: Hey, Ted!
Ted 2
What the fuck did you just call me, fucker? What did you fucking say? Jesus! What the fuck? You wanna call me a whore? You wanna throw shit? Yeah, I wanna fucking throw shit! I'll fucking throw shit! (GRUNTS) Oh. VVow. There, see! How do you like that?
Ted 2
Well, if you change your mind, here's the address.
Ted 2
Can you help me get home?
Ted 2
Jesus,Johnny, you don't got to marry Allison. You just got to bang her and maybe pee on her a little. What? It's always good to find new ways to surprise your lover. Yeah, I got to take a leak.
Ted 2
Thanks, Sam.
Ted 2
Mr. Jessup, I can make this company a billion dollars.
Ted 2
You know, as much as I love this person, we're completely wrong for each other.
Ted 2
Thanks,paL Hey, you were always real to me, buddy. Even when you weren't. Congratulations, Ted.
Ted 2
And it seems to me that once the law devalues one kind of life, how soon before it devalues another?
Ted 2
You play the guitar?
Ted 2
Ted 2
What do I think you're doing? I think you're bleeding us dry, is what I think you're doing. Look at this, look at this. $129 at Filene's Basement. What are you buying over there, Tami? Gold bars? I need clothes for work. All right, Teddy? What do you mean? You wear a smook, you're a fucking cashier. Yeah? So are you! Yeah, exactly! And I'm not going out and buying designer shit! Oh,no,no, no,no,no! You're just buying weed, you're just buying drugs. You should fucking talk! I was talking. I was just talking, just now, until you interrupted me. Well, I have to interrupt you or else I never get to fucking say anything! Are you gonna let me finish talking? You're always cutting me off! Are you gonna let me finish talking? Are you gonna let me finish talking? It's important to look good at work. I am trying to climb the corporate fence, here! Nobody's in there to look at your ass! You're acting like an asshole! Oh, what am I acting like, Tami? You're acting like a fucking asshole! Like an asshole! That's what you're acting like! You don't got to dress like Elizabeth Taylor to put a yam in a plastic bag! I am the face of the business! Okay? The face of the business? So get the fuck off my case! Jesus Christ! Listen to you! You're delusional! I shoulcfve married Robert DiCicco. I really should've. Fine! Fine! Go torture that asshole! He treated me good! And (GASPS) he had a dick! He had an awesome dick! Oh, newsflash! Boston whore has seen Italian penis.
Ted 2
Holy shit! You should have seen your fucking face!