- Ready? - Ready. Barbie? No more games, Ken! What did Lotso do to Buzz? And how do we switch him back? You can't make me talk. You can't! But I 'd like to see you try.
Toy Story 3
Evil Dr. Pork Chop!
Toy Story 3
Well, that went well. He held me! He actually held me!
Toy Story 3
- You're leaving? - But didn't you have fun today? Well, of course I did, more than I 've had in years, but, you see, I belong to someone else. - Who's "Yid-nuh"? - I believe it's pronounced "Yid-nay." Guys, it says "Andy." He's my Bonnie. And he's leaving soon. I gotta get home. - Where's home? - Elm Street. 234 Elm.
Toy Story 3
Woody! So where are we now?
Toy Story 3
Okay, here's what we're gonna do.
Toy Story 3
All right, guys. We got one shot at this. Everyone ready? We're ready, Woody. Let's do it! Okay, Buzz. Make the call.
Toy Story 3
You think you're special, cowboy?
Toy Story 3
Mom! No, no, no. Just keep playing. Just pretend I 'm not here. Oh, no, Molly! No, it's okay, Mom. It's a 50-foot baby from outer space. And she's on a rampage. Run for your lives! Buster, get out of there. Does the red light mean it's going?
Toy Story 3
We done our duty. Andy's grown up. And let's face it, when the trash bags come out, we army guys are the first to go. - Trash bags? - Who said anything about trash bags? It has been an honor serving with you. Good luck, folks. You're gonna need it. No, no, no. Wait, wait, wait, wait! - We're getting thrown away? - No. No one's getting thrown away.
Toy Story 3
Thanks, Jess.
Toy Story 3
There you are.
Toy Story 3
Go get the tape!
Toy Story 3
This is just sad. Who we kiddin'? The kid 's 17 years old. We ain't ever gettin' played with.
Toy Story 3
Good boy. He's telling you to go already. Come on. Get the rest of your things.
Toy Story 3
Oh, no! Dr. Pork Chop's attacking the haunted bakery! The ghosts are getting away. Woody'll stop 'em! Buzz Lightyear to the rescue!
Toy Story 3
- Buzz? - Woody! What's going on? Don't you know this box is being donated? It's under control, Woody. We have a plan. We're going to daycare!