Look at this cornicing. This is good work. Must be Harry's crew. You with Harry's crew? Does Harry think he's running this job? - I go now. - Go where? - Gate 67. - 67? We're ten months away from 67. He's got to be Harry's. If he's not mine, and he's not yours... Harry's trying to make me look bad. I've got to slow him down before he gets to 67. - What's your name? - Viktor Navorski.
The Terminal
Have caused food and energy shortages. "...In Krakozhia." "The story of Broadway is the..." "The cast" "of comedy hit Friends," "which is set in New York."
The Terminal
We're detaining so many people, there's no room anywhere.
The Terminal
- Hello? - Hi, Mr. Navorski. Yes, this is Viktor Navorski. Who calls? It's Cliff from the Discovery Store. Ah! Cliff. Hello. - How's it going? - Good. - Is this a good time? - Yes, I wait for your call all day. Well, I got to tell you that the position's been filled. Yeah, so could you please go sit someplace else? - I go to bathroom now. - That'd be good. - All right. - Thank you. Okay.
The Terminal
Like this guy, Joe Mulroy. I think you know him. He's been here for 20 years, but he's been running an after-hour poker game. Bringing in liquor and marijuana. Poor guy's going to lose his pension. And I think he has kids, too. Yep. And then there's this guy, Enrique Cruz. I think you also know Enrique. Enrique has been letting people into the food preparation area. That's a major security breach. The poor guy, I think he's a newlywed. But I'm going to have to let him go. And then there's Gupta Rajan. He's a janitor. But he's wanted for assaulting a police officer back in India in 1979.
The Terminal
Do I know you from someplace? Sensible heels. Payless Shoes. Second floor.
The Terminal
So, when do you come back? 13 days. How about you? I will be here. But what if your schedule changes? Maybe we should exchange phone numbers. No. I will be here.
The Terminal
The Terminal
Due to the heavy snowfall, all flights have been canceled...
The Terminal
- Where do you want to go? - I know place.
The Terminal
- Let's just start over. - Yes, okay. - Are you coming or going? - I don't know. Both. - Tell me about it. - Napoleon? Yeah. I read a lot of history books. They're long and cheap and usually about men killing each other. Like 1,200 pages for $9.99. You can't beat that. - But Napoleon? - Yeah. He's one of my favorites.
The Terminal
Ladies and gentlemen, United Airlines Flight 865 from Krakozhia has landed and is now taxiing to the gate. For those passengers holding tickets for Flight 866 to Krakozhia, we expect departure to be on schedule.
The Terminal
Sit. Please.
The Terminal
All right, here we go. Okay. Call them off. Johnson, clear the doors.