Here we go. Now where is he? - There he is. Are you sure? - No, that's not him. There he is. Okay. All right, Viktor. Here we go.
The Terminal
Just leave. Leave. Leave. What are you doing? Why is he kneeling? Is he praying? No. He's tying his shoelace.
The Terminal
Wait. For you. Payless Shoes. Second floor. Sensible heels.
The Terminal
Come on, leave. Get the cameras.
The Terminal
I love New York...
The Terminal
Put it down.
The Terminal
No carts, no quarters. No quarters, no food. It'll be days before he goes through the doors in violation of section 2.14. Then he's somebody else's problem. Why don't we tag him in violation of section 2.14 now? - Then ship him to detention. - He has to break the law by leaving. I won't lie, particularly to get rid of somebody like him.
The Terminal
- Officer Torres. - M r. Navorski. You have choose. Man with money or man with love?
All right. Go. Get out of there. All right, there's the door.
The Terminal
- Hi, baby. - Come here, you.
The Terminal
Excuse me, buddy.
The Terminal
I wait.
The Terminal
The Terminal
I'm talking about bombs. I'm talking about human dignity. Human rights. Viktor, please don't be afraid to tell me you're afraid of Krakozhia. Is home. I am not afraid from my home. So? I go to New York City now? - No. - No? Okay. - I'm afraid from ghosts. - Thanks very much. - I'm afraid from Dracula. - Thanks a lot. I'm afraid from Wolfmens, afraid from sharks. Thanks a lot.
The Terminal
You know, sometimes in the mornings, I just stare at him over room service. Watch him do the crossword puzzle. I start to think that maybe, maybe this could happen. That we belong together. This man has you. Why he need puzzle?
The Terminal
- In English, Amelia Warren. - Amelia Warren? - Nice to meet you. - You, too. Nice to see you again.
The Terminal
Now, listen, Viktor. You gotta ask her something that is very important. Okay.