His name is Milodragovich. He lives near you. He may not speak your dialect, but I need you to translate and help me out. - I help you? Why? - I don't want anybody to get hurt. This guy's very upset. Just calm him down, and I'll let you back in the terminal. No. New York. No red stamp. Green. I green. - New York. - Okay, yes. - You say yes? - Yes.
The Terminal
I'm Transportation Liaison in charge of Passenger Assistance.
The Terminal
The Terminal
Mr. Navorski? Sorry to keep you waiting. I'm Frank Dixon, Director of Customs and Border Protection here at JFK. I help people with their immigration problems. We're looking for an interpreter for you. How are we doing on that? Do we have an interpreter?
The Terminal
Thank you. I'll take it from here.
The Terminal
There was a 20 man. Immigration gun was drawn. The Dixon was ready to fire. To kill the little man with the pills. But then someone walks into the room and stand in front of this little man.
The Terminal
- I'm 39 years old. - No.
The Terminal
The tiniest nation in the region has been shaken by another uprising. Krakozhia has been involved in civil war throughout the late '80s and '90s as it has tried to transition from Communist rule.
The Terminal
Please have your I-94 forms filled out. - What's the purpose of your visit? - What is the purpose of your visit? What is the purpose of your visit? Business or pleasure? Just visiting. Shopping? Euh, plaisir. - Pleasure. - Business. How long will you be staying?
The Terminal
You don't know him. You don't know the rules. Look at me. I was going to help you.
The Terminal
- Is that for me? - Yes. Yes.
The Terminal
Rejoice in the streets as well as in their local taverns. The Krakozhian flag waved goodbye from high atop the parliament buildings. It is a clear sign of the power...
The Terminal
But what did she say? She did say, "next, next." And now she say, "Please. Please come." That's... Wait.
The Terminal
- Thank you. - Thanks, Judge.
The Terminal
I told you to stay away from me, Viktor. But you didn't understand. - I think you were confused. - No, I confused about everything. I not confused... Not this. Not this.
The Terminal
You want us to block the south exit and have AP sweep every vehicle?
The Terminal
The Terminal
Mr. Navorski, you cannot get into New York without a visa. You cannot get a visa without a passport, and you cannot get a new passport without a country. There's nothing we can do for you here. I give you light green. I'm sorry, but you've wasted an entire day. At this time, you are simply...