His name is Milodragovich. He lives near you. He may not speak your dialect, but I need you to translate and help me out. - I help you? Why? - I don't want anybody to get hurt. This guy's very upset. Just calm him down, and I'll let you back in the terminal. No. New York. No red stamp. Green. I green. - New York. - Okay, yes. - You say yes? - Yes.
The Terminal
Thank you, Viktor. Good job. Let's go.
The Terminal
I'm so... Just stay away from me, Viktor, okay? I'm sick. I don't have the ability to be alone for five seconds. Okay.
The Terminal
$19 an hour. Unbelievable. Do you know that's more than I make? That's New York City construction.
The Terminal
Viktor. I need your help.
The Terminal
One of my own men came up to me the other day. Asked me if I wanted to join the big pool. Look at him. Place a bet on when Navorski's going to leave this airport. Have you heard about this? I have January 3rd.
The Terminal
Oh, oh, oh, hey. Uh...
The Terminal
Your CBP inspection's in three days. The FBI and Homeland Security will tour the airport, spend two hours observing these offices before your interview process begins.
The Terminal
Bring him in. Jake, he has no nationality. Okay? No country. He's a national security risk, according to my interpretation of Section 2.12. I want you to put him in a detention center and run a clearance on him. That's all I want. Well, what about a federal prison? Well, what about another airport? Hello? Hello?
The Terminal
Medicine for goat.
The Terminal
The Terminal
I'm sorry, sir.
The Terminal
Give him the pills.
The Terminal
He say he bring the medicine for his father.
The Terminal
Mind if I try one?
The Terminal
- You know what saved Napoleon's life? - No. - His ego. - Ego? Yes. After he loses the Battle of Waterloo, Napoleon isolates himself on the tiny island of Saint Helena. No one knows exactly what happens next, but the version I like goes like this. He's very depressed and decides to take his own life. But Napoleon believes himself to be of such superhuman strength that he takes six times the amount of poison needed to do the job. His stomach is so full up with poison that his body rejects it, and he doesn't die. See? Ego. Saved his life. Maybe he need glasses. - Glasses? - Yes. To read words on bottle. Poison. It's funny you should say that. Rumor has it that Napoleon was farsighted. - There you go. - There you go. - There you go. - And there you go. I think we're rewriting history right here. Why don't we talk about it over lunch? I can't believe it. I just asked you out again. I just did it again.
The Terminal
The Terminal
Sir, we have a situation upstairs. - It'll have to wait. - No. This won't wait. When the 9:12 from Toronto landed, they found four prescriptions without an MPL. They tried to take the pills away, and he went nuts. There he is. We think they're for his father. Sir, sir, calm down. Put your weapons down. Everybody keep your weapons... All right. We're here to help you. We're here to help you, sir. All right. Give me the knife. - Where's he from? - Russia. The only interpreter we got is in Newark. - We have to get someone to talk to him. - I have an idea, sir.