If I tell you where he is, will you promise not to tell his mother? Sure. Frank made up a fake I.D. and enlisted in the Marine Corps. He's over in Vietnam right now. That kid is halfway around the world, crawling through the damn jungle, fighting the communists, so... Please, don't come to my home and call my boy a criminal... I never said he was a criminal, Mr. Abagnale. I said he was in trouble. If you'd like to give me a call and talk, here's my number. You're not a father, are you? Pardon me? If you were a father, you'd know. I would never give up my son. I would never give up my son. Yes, sir. I understand.
Catch Me If You Can
To be quite honest, I'm thinking about getting back into law.
Catch Me If You Can
Sean, now get this.
Catch Me If You Can
Chapter seven. Would you please open your textbooks to chapter eight and we'll get started.
Catch Me If You Can
Sixteen pages to go. Stay with me. "Article Two, "if the request for extradition includes separate offenses... "...each of which is punishable under the laws of the requesting party..." Frank?
Catch Me If You Can
And the men are literally holding their breath. Holding their breath for you. Hear that?
Catch Me If You Can
Thank you. Frank, have you decided which hospital you want to work at in New Orleans?
Catch Me If You Can
Catch Me If You Can
So please stand as I present my very good friend, a man who keeps our pencils sharp and our pens in ink. Frank William Abagnale.
Catch Me If You Can
I have orders to see the American prisoner, Abagnale.
Catch Me If You Can
Oh, my! Are you a doctor or a lawyer?
Catch Me If You Can
Where did you go to law school?
Catch Me If You Can
You're just full of surprises.
Catch Me If You Can
I stand here, humbled by the presence of Mayor Robert Wagner and our club president, Jack Barnes.