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Germany is about to surrender. (applause) It's no longer the enemy who are the greatest threat to mankind, it's our work. (people murmur)


STRAUSS: Robert saw that hand-wringing got him nowhere. By the time I'd met him, he'd fully embraced his "father of the bomb" reputation. Used his profile to influence policy. (clamoring)


- ROBERT: What? - (chuckles) Wait, wait, wait.


(exhales) (whispers): Poof.


(mysterious music playing) LAWRENCE: I feel like I could see one of those dark stars that you're working on. You can't. That's the whole point.


(stomping intensifying)


WOMAN: I got it, it's all right. (mellow music playing)


(timer ticking) Twenty minutes.


Density increases. Correct. Increasing gravity. Increasing density. - And? - It's a vicious cycle until... what's the limit here?


Now raise this fucking barrier.


ROBB: So the Super was under development on your watch at Los Alamos? Yes. ROBB: And yet, after the war, you tried to deny it was viable. No, no, no. I... I pointed out technical difficulties with it. You... Didn't you try to kill it at the AEC meeting - after the Russian bomb test? - No. ROBB: But that was the recommendation of the AEC, - was it not? - After hours of discussion about the best response. An H-bomb is 1,000 times the power of an A-bomb.


GARRISON: You let my client sit here and potentially perjure himself, and all this time, you had a recording? Nobody told your client to misrepresent his former answers. Misrepre... It-it was 12 years ago. Can we hear this recording? You don't have the clearance, Mr. Garrison. But you're reading it into the record. Please, please. Is this proceeding interested in entrapment or in truth? If it's truth, where's the disclosure? Where's the witness list? Mr. Garrison, this isn't a trial, as you are well aware. Evidentiary rules do not apply. We are dealing with national security. Yes, sir, with all due respect, I fail to see how national security prevents the prosecution from providing us - with a list of witnesses. - Perhaps we are in need - of a brief recess. - ROBERT: Gentlemen, you have my words. If you say they're from a transcript, then I'll accept it. I've already explained I made up a cock-and-bull story. But why would anyone make up such an elaborate story? Because I was an idiot. Why lie? Well, clearly with the intention of not revealing who the intermediary was. Your friend, Haakon Chevalier, the Communist. Is he still your friend? Yes.


You write up an indictment and tell Oppenheimer his security clearance is not being renewed. But offer him the chance to appeal. As you can see, Robert, it's not yet signed. ROBERT: May I keep this? No. If you do decide to appeal, they'll have to send you a copy. When he appeals... and trust me, he will... - I appoint a board. - (indistinct conversation) They will, of course, have counsel. - NICHOLS: Prosecutor? - In all but name. - NICHOLS: Who? - Roger Robb. Ouch. Robb will have security clearance to examine Oppenheimer's file. As will the Gray board. Defense counsel will not.


The firestorm in Tokyo killed 100,000 people. Mostly civilians. I worry about an America where we do these things and no one protests. Pearl Harbor and three years of brutal conflict in the Pacific bought us a lot of latitude with the American public. STIMSON: Enough to unleash the atomic bomb? FERMI: Uh, the A-bomb might not cause as much damage as the Tokyo bombings. What are we estimating? In a medium-size city, uh, 20 or 30,000 dead. ROBERT: Yes, but, uh, don't underestimate the psychological impact of a... of an atomic explosion. A pillar of fire 10,000 feet tall. Deadly neutron effects for a mile, in all directions, from one single device. Dropped from a barely noticed B-29, the atomic bomb will be a terrible revelation of divine power. If that's true, it would be definitive. World War II would be over. Our boys would come home. Military targets?


ROBB: After the Russian A-bomb test, did Dr. Lawrence come to see you about the hydrogen bomb? You'd be better off asking him. Well, I fully intend to. Would you say that Dr. Oppenheimer was unalterably opposed to the H-bomb? No, he-he thought that a fusion program would come at the expense of our awfully good fission program. But that proved not to be the case. In the event both could be done. Suppose that this board did not feel satisfied that in his testimony here, Dr. Oppenheimer had been wholly truthful. What would you say whether or not he should be cleared? Why go through all this against a man who has accomplished what Dr. Oppenheimer has? Look at his record. We have an A-bomb and a whole series of it. We have a whole series of Super bombs. What more do you want? Mermaids? TELLER: But I've known Secretary Strauss for many years, and I feel it a necessity to express the warm support for science and scientists Lewis has shown. We'll break now, unless there's any immediate business. STRAUSS: Senator, I'd like to once again request that we're furnished with a list of witnesses. And I will remind the nominee that we don't always have that information in advance. We do know that Dr. Hill will be here after lunch. Mr. Chairman, our next scheduled witness, Dr. Lawrence, has apparently come down with colitis.


Who are they bringing in? They hadn't said. STRAUSS: Mr. Chairman, if I may, I'm nominated for Commerce Secretary. Why seek the opinion of scientists? This is a Cabinet post, Admiral. We seek a wide range of opinion. Well, I'd like to know the name of the scientist testifying. I'd like the chance to cross-examine. This is not a court. STRAUSS: (grunts) Formality, huh? SENATE AIDE: No presidential Cabinet nominee has failed to be confirmed since 1925. This is just how the game is played. It's in the bag, Lewis. So play nice. They bring in a scientist, so what? You don't know scientists like I do, Counselor. They resent anyone who questions their judgment, especially if you're not one of them. I was chair of the AEC. I'm easy to blame for what happened to Robert. We can't have the Senate thinking the scientific community doesn't support you, sir. Or should we pivot? - SENATE AIDE: To what? - And embrace it. "I fought Oppenheimer, and the US won." I-I don't think we need to go there. Isn't there someone we can call who knows what really happened? - Teller. - He'll make an impression. Can you get the name of the scientist they've called? - Probably. - Find out if he was based in Chicago or Los Alamos during the war. Why does that matter? Well, if he was based in Chicago, then he worked under Szilard and Fermi, not the cult of Oppie at Los Alamos. Robert built that damn place. He was founder, mayor, sheriff, all rolled into one. (gripping music playing)


Seriously, keep it out of the lab. Well, out of the lab, my landlady is having a discussion group tonight. Interested? I have sampled the Berkeley political scene. It's all just philosophy post-grads and Communists talking integration. You don't care about integration. I want to vote for it, not talk about it. 'Specially on a Friday. Come on, let's eat. (sighs) I'm meeting my brother there. SENATOR BARTLETT: And how would these activities have come to the attention of the FBI? Well, if I remember correctly, the FBI was taking license plates outside suspected Communist gatherings, and his name popped up.


So we'll proceed with William Borden instead.
