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Why don't you go grab a glass from the bar?

American Pie

Yeah. Yeah.

American Pie

I've got this lacrosse game. It's really important. It's our last game. Central almost beat us last time, so this time I really wanna kick their ass. But it's gonna be cool, because the game's at State, which means afterwards I'll be able to stop by. So you can't sing at the competition. Heather, I'm sorry. I totally blew it. It's okay. You should... do what makes you happy.

American Pie

Of course, I have no basis for comparison, but, uh, it was good. So you almost made it, huh, Oz? - I'll just say that we had a great night together. - Hang in there, buddy. - You'll get there. - You know, guys, I think we're falling in love. Wha... That's great, man. That's awesome.

American Pie

Consider it a consolation prize.

American Pie

Go, trig boy! It's yer birthday!

American Pie

Uh, just a second!

American Pie

- Guess what? - Not interested. Kevin. Come on, man. The bus to Stifler's is gonna be here soon. - I'm not going. - What? Why not? Look, things didn't really turn out how I wanted them to. I mean, I don't even know what I'm doin'. I-I'm acting like I've got everything together tonight. I know that Vicky's gonna ask me if I love her, and... I don't know what I'm gonna say. I mean, I'm on the brink. I'm just about to do it. I should be psyched. I don't know. Maybe you're right. Maybe I am just scared. Come on, Kev. Tonight is the night. We-We are finally going to a post-prom party on the lake. We have been waiting for this for four years. Why else have we been friends with Stifler all this time, right?

American Pie

No offense, but you're talking about a post-high school, long-distance relationship. And you and Kevin haven't even done it yet. That's not why we're going out. What do you expect him to drive to Cornell for? Milk and cookies? We're gonna have sex when he's ready and I'm ready. It's got to be completely perfect. I want the right time, the right moment, the right place... Vicky, it's not a space shuttle launch. It's sex.

American Pie

- Another party sultan! - How ya doin'? Welcome to Stifler's Palace of Love, fellas. - The keg's back there! Enjoy! - Yeah. Vicky, Jessica! Great to see you. Glad you could make it. Haha, bitches! - Sherman! - Hey! What the fuck are you doin' here?

American Pie

Come on, Vicky, it's Stifler's party. We got to go. It'll be great. Why? All that happens at Stifler's parties is people get drunk and do it. Yeah. Now, come on, Kevin. Open it. It's a big, thick envelope, Vicky. You got in. If you think so, just open it. Fine.

American Pie

I mean, I just can't believe we had our senior prom. I know. It went by so fast. Yeah, it did. Kevin?

American Pie

I wasn't lying.

American Pie

# Ain't never thought that I could love like this # # This feeling inside me is growing # # I never thought that you would care ## Are ya lost?

American Pie

- Where's your little date tonight? - No date. It was... It was a bathroom incident. - Pardon me? - Never mind.

American Pie

# Do do do do do do do # I just gotta say that women, like a fine wine, only get better with age.

American Pie

- Did I miss anything? - No. You are just in time. - Oh. Ohh! - This is incredible. Oh, my God! This is too much. Oh, did you see? Oh, there that goes. Oh, geez. God bless the Internet. - Ai-yi-yi. - Do it. Take it off. Oh, my God. Oh, thank you, God, for this wonderful, wonderful day. - She takes her vitamins. - # And it is way too unhealthy # # Often they've typically ## Stop hyperventilating.

American Pie

Yeah! Kev? I think we've come... - a really long way since homecoming. - Yeah, we have. Maybe it's time... we start to express ourselves in new ways. - Yeah. - You wanna do it? - Yeah. - I love you.

American Pie