Who the hell was that? That was... That was... Someone was lost. - Lookin' for the lake. - Yeah, all turned around. What a dumb ass. The lake's right there.
American Pie 2
What the fuck are you doin' in here?
American Pie 2
I'm sorry? - You go. - We go.
American Pie 2
Hey, I remember you.
American Pie 2
- Oh, God. - It was worth it. Hello.
American Pie 2
I left you like... like three messages after prom. Really? You didn't think I was weird... because of the way I acted that night? Weird, no. Surprising, yes. I get nasty when I'm horny. That's kind of why I'm here.
American Pie 2
I just wanted proof that you chicks are really lesbians.
American Pie 2
What was he doing wandering unsupervised? Who knows? I'll tell you something. I'm about fed up with these Tall Oaks North kids.
American Pie 2
It's gonna be nice to hit Stifler's tonight after exams. - Did you get through 'em? - There's the mystery man! Finch, how are you?
American Pie 2
- I gotta prepare. - Here we go. - Great. Stifler's mom is here? - This could be a disaster.
American Pie 2
Don't move! Stay where you are! Hands where we can see 'em! Both hands! Get the other hand up, God damn it!
American Pie 2
- Which room? - I can't remember. I was too excited. - I'm in a lesbian stronghold. - Was it in here? - Why you asking me so many questions? - Was it in here? - Maybe. - Was it or was it not here? Happy painting, boys.
American Pie 2
Come on, honey. You can do it. Come on, Petey. What the hell.
American Pie 2
The joke's on Finch!
American Pie 2
Brilliant. You found lesbians. Good luck trying to break through that force field. - Lesbians? - We never said that. - What? - We never said that. Oh, man. I will do anything... anything... to sleep with you chicks. Okay? I'll grab every guy's ass in this room. I'll caress it, even. I'll shave some ass if they need it. Oh, yeah. You heard me. It's true. I'll kiss everybody here. Dudes, chicks, everybody. Because I am comfortable with my sexuality. Oh, yeah.
American Pie 2
- I'm so sorry. - For your own edification... son, I'm not embarrassed. I am! It's a perfectly normal thing for two human beings to do. This is human nature... human nature at its best. Son, everybody does it. Your mother and I... Well, not so much any more. Got your favourite. Oh, my God! They're fucking! Honey, honey, listen. I'm gonna take her... - Please just go! - Actually, if you wouldn't mind. Honey... I'll take her to the car.