- She's on the phone. It's long-distance. - Who? - Nadia! Nadia! - What? New York. Hello. Yes, dear, he's right here. - Here. Wait. - Now remember... Yes, I am sure to go see the Lion King. Right. And don't ride the subway after midnight. I know they've done wonderful things with that city, but, you know, for me... - Dad! - He's right... Hang on.
American Pie 2
Okay, well... I've been thinking, and, you know, I'm 19 years old. There's a whole world out there. I can't be obsessed with one woman. - Just can't be. - I'm glad you're learning, Finchy. Good.
American Pie 2
Hey. Kevin Myers. Hi. Sorry I was a dick before. It's okay, man. My name's Brett. - Can you give us a sec? - Sure.
American Pie 2
Oh, Jeanine. Jeanine. Call me Stifler's mom.
American Pie 2
Maybe I am a geek. Whatever.
American Pie 2
- That's a sweet car. - It is sweet.
American Pie 2
You go get your geek.
American Pie 2
American Pie 2
I got stuck playing this trombone. And I can't play anything at all. So I totally sucked. And everyone thought I was this Petey guy... but I didn't know what to think, so I just kept playing and playing... and I didn't know what I was doing. It was so funny!
American Pie 2
Guys, we got nothin' to worry about. I just remembered, I got that dildo from the other bedroom.
American Pie 2
Okay, let me look. Wait. Didn't you have it when we were downstairs? Maybe.
American Pie 2
You wanna mess with 'em? Yeah, it'll be fun. Let's do it.