Sorry about that. Where were we? I think you were reaching for something. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah, Heather. I'm rubbing it and it feels so good.
American Pie 2
What the fuck are you doin' in here?
American Pie 2
American Pie 2
Who the hell was that? That was... That was... Someone was lost. - Lookin' for the lake. - Yeah, all turned around. What a dumb ass. The lake's right there.
American Pie 2
I think I can fix these.
American Pie 2
All right. Here. And the Stifmeister's provided us some complimentary lubricant. Whack away, Jim. Does this stuff really make a difference? - Oh, yeah! - Really?
American Pie 2
You okay, Kev?
American Pie 2
I am lucky lady? That's right, Nadia. You've been targeted for Shermination. Come with me if you want to live. Help! - Fuck me, geek! - Affirmative! No fuckin' way! - Forget it. - Like you have a chance.
American Pie 2
Jim, what are you doing here? Well, I thought you had said... You can't just stand out here. Look, I need your help. Nadia's coming back and I don't... I don't wanna be this awkward... bumbling, nervous guy with her. I don't wanna seem like a dork. Well, I know that feeling. Spend your life playing in the band... it doesn't exactly give you the ultra-cool hipster image. - I think you're pretty cool. - Seriously?
American Pie 2
Don't touch me while I'm tantric. "Tantric?" What the fuck is tantric? It's a Buddhist discipline. You learn to channel your body's energies... your chakras. When you can do that, you can have sex for hours, even days. And this stuff's for real? It's been around for centuries. With tantra you can make an entire session of sex... feel like one giant orgasm. Eventually, you can sustain that feeling by meditating. - Maybe you can teach me sometime? - Very doubtful. - True. - Come on, Jim. - You can't possibly be that bad. - Oh, no? No way. I guess there's only one person that really knows for sure, huh? Oh, yeah? Where is she this summer?
American Pie 2
- How was college? - College was excellent. Yeah. Yeah, it was... it was really excellent. You have not forgotten about me, have you? No. I... Absolutely not. - I definitely didn't. - Good, because guess what. I'm coming to see you at the end of summer. I hope you're ready for me... because I have not forgotten about you either, you sexy boy. - Shit. - Jim, you can eat hot dogs tomorrow. No, Finch, it's not the hot dogs. Nadia called me this morning. She's coming here at the end of the summer and she wants to see me. - That's killer. - Yeah, that's a good thing. No, not "good thing". Not "killer". I'll never be able to do it. Nadia is gonna be expecting fillet mignon. Okay, and all I'm gonna be able to give her... is rump roast.
American Pie 2
Brilliant. You found lesbians. Good luck trying to break through that force field. - Lesbians? - We never said that. - What? - We never said that. Oh, man. I will do anything... anything... to sleep with you chicks. Okay? I'll grab every guy's ass in this room. I'll caress it, even. I'll shave some ass if they need it. Oh, yeah. You heard me. It's true. I'll kiss everybody here. Dudes, chicks, everybody. Because I am comfortable with my sexuality. Oh, yeah.
American Pie 2
Mucilage is dangerous territory... and I would think any adhesive product... would have a warning right on the tube. I thought it was a lubricant. I was trying to use lubricant. Son, couldn't you have left that disgusting thing at home? Excuse me? Well, that kind of material is offensive to me. Oh, well, we're sorry. But, you see, my son couldn't leave it at home... because he's having a bit of a medical emergency. Thanks, Dad. Your opinion of his taste in video rentals, I'm afraid... is not a priority, lady. It's at the bottom of the totem pole.
American Pie 2
Now, wait just a minute. Stifler wanted to give you two hand jobs? No. Stifler wanted one from us. What? Bullshit. He did. And it was horrible. Very horrible. You guys, you wanna play some "asshole"? Just watching the game, Kev. I just wanna do something together. We just did something together. Very together. Ho, ho, ho. Stifler Claus is here. Now, just so there's no confusion... Santa Porn has just brought us some heterosexual entertainment.
American Pie 2
But thanks for understanding. You've been really cool. I mean, between this and... you know...
American Pie 2
All right! All right, Petey! Come on, now! Come on!
American Pie 2
Michèle, why did you ditch me after prom? I didn't ditch you. I just... Our date was over.