This is my friend, Oz. All-state lacrosse two years in a row. - Hi, Oz. - Mandy, how are you? Listen. I have a girlfriend. It was a pleasure meeting you.
American Pie 2
Easy! That's enough. Okay, guys, we went through this last summer, all right? Finch got a black eye and Stifler got six stitches. 'Cause he fuckin' bit me! You touch me, I bite. - You two relax and shake hands. - Shake this.
American Pie 2
Does direction matter, like clockwise, counter clockwise? Okay, Jim, this is what I'm talking about. Your main problem is you're so uptight.
American Pie 2
I left you like... like three messages after prom. Really? You didn't think I was weird... because of the way I acted that night? Weird, no. Surprising, yes. I get nasty when I'm horny. That's kind of why I'm here.
American Pie 2
This is kind of kinky, and I like that.
American Pie 2
But I have great memories.
American Pie 2
We're gonna get more physical as soon as we get some...
American Pie 2
Jenny, where'd you put my clarinet? - I think I shoved it in your box. - Thanks. Bad man. I'm a bad, bad man.
American Pie 2
It's beautiful! Cool!
American Pie 2
- That doesn't even count. - That totally counted. - That's how you kiss your mother. - Don't you say anything!
American Pie 2
Looks like someone gained the freshman 15. - This'll help. - You're an asshole. Missed you too. All right, everybody having a good time? Ladies?
American Pie 2
Do you now? You're that guy who blew his load on the Internet.
American Pie 2
Jim, I have told you my memories from high school. What are yours?
American Pie 2
You won't be needing this.
American Pie 2
One, two... three.
American Pie 2
- Everybody okay? - I'm fine. I'm fine. Everything's fine. Shut the fuck up or I'll break down this door and pummel your ass! No, don't come in here. I'm fine. I just fell out of the bed. - You sure? - Okay, good night, then. - 'Night. - We'll see you in the morning.
American Pie 2
Please don't take this the wrong way... but you're... you're everything that I used to want. And as much as I may really... really regret what I'm about to do... there's somebody else I want to be with. You want the band geek? Nadia...