ALL; Finch! What happened? I called the police department a thousand times. I appreciate that, Kevin. But my mom, actually, bailed me out.
American Reunion
Yeah, yeah! I'd love to. Nice! Oh, my God. Thanks! This is great, man. Thank you so much. Thank you, bro. You're welcome. Thank you.
American Reunion
Favorite music.
American Reunion
Oh! I'm sorry. Yeah, I'm sure you are. But, you know what, at least I got to keep little Furlong.
American Reunion
American Reunion
I thought about throwing them out, but they just have too much sentimental value. Yeah.
American Reunion
OW! What the fuck? That's my extension, you bitch! You motherfucker! No, Mia! Wait a minute!
American Reunion
It doesn't even occur to you that you're self-centered because you are so self-centered and... You know what? Hold on a second.
American Reunion
Oh, you do, do you? Thank you for telling me how you feel. Do you mind if I tell you how I feel?
American Reunion
You were such a good dancer. I felt so bad when you got voted off. Thank you. But I have to say you're much sexier in person. Okay. Calm down there, Susan.
American Reunion
Uh... Remember Teletubby Tuesdays?
American Reunion
Mmm. Mmm. Okay, wait, wait. I don't think we're dressed appropriately for the occasion. Put that on. Wait, where are you going? To change. Be back soon.
American Reunion
What the hell's going on over there? What, are you choking on your own dick?