Hey, Frannie, how about a glass of cold milk? Hey, asshole. Not her name, not her job. Hey, Meg. How's the SJW degree coming? - Trust fund prick. - All right, guys. Hey. Hey. Everyone... I'm just gonna be in the other room, setting up. Be ready in 10 minutes.
Knives Out
Sir? We're officers of the law! You gonna run me in? I don't feel like talking. I'm distraught. Hey, Benny, you wanna ask this guy some questions? All right, what is this? What's this arrangement? Mr. Drysdale.
Knives Out
On the night of the party, somebody who did not want to be heard climbing those steps, went to a great deal of trouble to break into Harlan Thrombey's rooms.
Knives Out
Hugh Drysdale? Ransom. Call me Ransom, it's my middle name. Only the help calls me Hugh.
Knives Out
Hmm. Traces of dried mud. I suspect they go the length of the hallway.
Knives Out
What was that about will readings being boring? The exception that proves the rule.
Knives Out
"I'm warning you." Ransom said, "I'm warning you." Well, you heard Ransom in there. That's the kind of thing he says. You want this? You want this?
Knives Out
Where's that window? How about some more cookies, Hugh? - You want some more cookies? - That's great. That's great. Hey, maybe Harlan left you a cold glass of milk in his will. Asshole.
Knives Out
Up your ass, Joni. You've had your teeth in this family's tit for a long time. "Up your ass"? Oh, very nice. - Matter of fact, eat shit. - Oh, my God, Ransom. - What? - How's that? Please do not use that word - in front of my son. - In fact, eat shit. Eat shit. If I wasn't practicing... - Eat shit. - You entitled prick! I would slap that smug smile right off... - Definitely eat shit. - ...of your goddamn face! Eat shit. You can all eat shit.
Knives Out
Wait a minute. Well, that doesn't make sense.
Knives Out
Show me. But stay off the carpet.
Knives Out
Footprints? No, just traces. Yeah, depending on when this thing was last cleaned, this could have happened at any time, right? No, that would not explain this.
Knives Out
Knives Out
The game is afoot, eh, Watson?
Knives Out
What do we have here?
Knives Out
This might be the best thing that could ever happen to you. Thank you. My mother, ladies and gentlemen. Look, this is not gonna be easy for you, but it'll be good. Nothing good is ever easy.