'The Wellington Vampire Association in conjunction with the Lower Hut Vampire Witch Club and the Kuori Zombie Society... invite you to attend The Unholy Masquerade on the night of the 6th of June...
What We Do in the Shadows
... starting at 6 PM.' - 666... - Oh, yeah... The Unholy Masquerade of course is great time for the undead community of Wellington. There's zombies there. Vampires, banshees, all having a dance together. It's always a big deal for me.
What We Do in the Shadows
They have burnt the edges... - ...like a treasure map or something. - It looks very authentic, doesn't it?
What We Do in the Shadows
To the big event of the year. Breaking it open.
What We Do in the Shadows
- Oh, this? - You can see this clearly as I can.
What We Do in the Shadows
'Dearly departed...' That's us.
What We Do in the Shadows
... the procession... ... of shame. I asked them Nick, I asked them not to pass that sentence. We should do this immediately. - In my opinion. - You didn't ask.
What We Do in the Shadows
- I did... - Well, this is what's going to happen. I still think it's quite extreme.
- Indefinitely. - Indefinitely. So I can come back? - One day? - No, no, indefinitely means, there is no end. I thought there was like... No, indefinite means that it's not a definite thing. - It can be changed - Yeah, but it's long. Could be tomorrow, it could be 6 months. - NO! No, it is not tomorrow! - It cannot be tomorrow! - Forget about it, at least 6 moths. - Banished! You are banished. But Stu, you can visit if you like. Thank you.