... pedantic. The washing and the rubbish, I did that. Deacon, on dishes and it still hasn't moved in 5 years. He was an 18th century dandy. So, he can be very fussy. He nags and nags... I went in to the lounge the other day and there was blood all over my nice antique couch. Which one, the red one? Well, it's red now, yeah. If you're going to eat a victim on my nice clean couch put down some newspaper on the floor and some towels. It's not hard to do. We're vampires! We don't put down towels. Some vampires do. Well, not serious ones! When you get 4 vampires in a flat obviously there's going to be a lot of tension. There's tension in any, any flatting situation. It's settled then. We all do our jobs, starting with a certain Deacon... - I will do my dishes! - Good then!
What We Do in the Shadows
I tended to torture when I was in a bad place. My thing was, I would poke someone with implements. I was known as 'Vladislav The Poker'.
What We Do in the Shadows
Sorry! He's a really great guy. A bit a of a pervert. He has some pretty old ideas about things. We should get some slaves!
What We Do in the Shadows
When I first became a vampire... ... I was quite tyrannical. I was known for torturing a lot of people.
What We Do in the Shadows
It's been like this the whole time... - Okay, so... - Viago is a little...
What We Do in the Shadows
I don't come in here, often anymore.
What We Do in the Shadows
This is my torture chamber.
What We Do in the Shadows
Like, I kind of... I kind of swept the hallway. Vladislav, is just like... ... this older vampire who grew up in the medieval times. And you know, to be living this long and to have seen the things that he's seen and still like, kind of have it together, I mean, hat's off to him. Bloody hell!
What We Do in the Shadows
Floating all by itself! We can give each other feedback and help each other out until we're looking great. Yes, some of our clothes are from victims. We might bite someone and then...
What We Do in the Shadows
We're not these mopey old creatures who live in castles. And while some, most of us are, a lot are... but... There are also those of us, who like to flat together in really small countries like New Zealand.
What We Do in the Shadows
Vlad, you were great. You put out the recycling. Which was really cool. And!.. The other day, I dragged mans body down the hallway, and noticed that there was no dust.
What We Do in the Shadows
And hovered above me... screeching....ah! haha-haa! 'Now you are vampire.' And it was Petyr.
What We Do in the Shadows
And then... ... it opened it's wings, like this.
What We Do in the Shadows
I uh, became a vampire when I was 16.
What We Do in the Shadows
And we're still friends today.
What We Do in the Shadows
Look! A ghost cup!
What We Do in the Shadows
Unfortunately... ... we vampires cannot wear silver.