Can you do that shit when you turn them into worms? No. Doesn't work on chips. Only works on things that already look like worms. - Maybe noodles. Do you want some noodles? - He knows now.
What We Do in the Shadows
- Shut up! - Guys? - You shut up! - No, you shut up! - No, you shut up. - You shut up. I'm Dracula, man! You're not Dracula! - I'm Dracula! You don't even know who Dracula is! You idiot!
What We Do in the Shadows
He ate a chip. I can't eat solids now, great. I can't sunbathe. I can't watch daytime TV. I can if I...yeah I guess I could.
What We Do in the Shadows
More, more than anything, just the chips. My favorite food. I can't eat chips.
What We Do in the Shadows
- Hey Stu? - Mmm-hmm? How's your worms?
What We Do in the Shadows
I was going to bite you tonight.
What We Do in the Shadows
Are you okay Nick?
What We Do in the Shadows
- No, that's not the point though... - Yeah, no, I know, I know... It's not a flat meeting about how cool you are. - I do my flat chores. - No, you don't! - Yes, I do - No, that's why we're having the flat-meeting. The point is Deacon that you have not done the dishes for 5 years. Vladislav is right. It's unacceptable to have so many bloody dishes all over this bench like that... I'm so embarrassed when people come over here. Why does it matter?! You bring them over, you kill them!
What We Do in the Shadows
I'm the alpha male. - Yes. - So, generally... ... all of the other guys follow me. - For Stu! - For Stu! Thanks guys. What have you done to your face? I got attacked by some werewolves. Ooh!, I met a werewolf. Seemed a very nice person.
What We Do in the Shadows
Vampires don't do dishes. Deacon's like the rebellious young vampire. He's always doing crazy things. Saying crazy things. He's just like the young, bad boy of the group.
What We Do in the Shadows
Or making the simple mistake, of fashioning a mask out of crackers, and being attacked by ducks.
What We Do in the Shadows
Oh God!
What We Do in the Shadows
And that's me, I put myself in there too.
What We Do in the Shadows
No way. I was out of there.
What We Do in the Shadows
What We Do in the Shadows
And when I got here, she had... ... found someone else.
What We Do in the Shadows
Tonight, we are going out into Wellington Central. It is important that we look good. Yeah, it's really good. Yeah. One of the unfortunate things about not having a reflection is that you... ... don't know exactly what you look like. Looook!