- Okay.. - Should be fun. - ...great. I was just wondering if we could talk about the um... Do you know of a night...dentist? Because I have this thing here. I was just wondering if we could talk about the...the deal. - Hm? - The deal?
What We Do in the Shadows
The trouble with being a vampire is you have to be invited in, to go in. We would like to come into the bar, please. - Invite us into the bar, please. - $5...you can walk in. Will you invite us in! If the humans find out what we were...
What We Do in the Shadows
Perhaps you could bring some people to the house. - Sure. - Perhaps some virgins? Virgins? Yep, okay. Any kind of preference in terms of gender or? Maybe some ladies? Yep. Ladies.
What We Do in the Shadows
There are between 60 and 70 vampires in the greater Wellington region. - Obvious vampire. - Joline! Hello! How embarrassing. He's um...a guy I used to work with when I was human.
What We Do in the Shadows
When we go into town, we must try to blend in. Just walking the streets. Coming into town. Um, it's really cool because just for one brief moment I feel... Homos!
What We Do in the Shadows
We are trying to attract victims to us. Not sure about the waist coat. I go for a look which I call Dead But Delicious.
What We Do in the Shadows
- Is he gone? - Yeah, he's gone. I've been draining him all night. I've been a very thirsty girl.
What We Do in the Shadows
... they would destroy us.
What We Do in the Shadows
- Hey guys! Being bitten as a little boy or a little girl you're always going to look the same age. What are you doing tonight? Are you going to kill some perverts? - Yeah, we're meeting a pedophile. - Cool. Okay, let's just go to Big Kumara. - Have a good night, guys! - Yeah, you have a good night, bye. The Big Kumara is vampire owned and operated, and so we can always get in. It's the hottest night spot for vampires in Wellington. - Come on in, guys, come on in. - Thank you. Thanks.
What We Do in the Shadows
We have that kind of master/servant relationship which works nicely...actually. - Hello! - Hello. Oh, it's a little bit of blood. Um, my husband, he's a... ...he's a haemophiliac.
What We Do in the Shadows
... you think, 'ooh, those are some nice pants!'. - Do work these? - NO! Change it! When you are a vampire, you become very sexy.
What We Do in the Shadows
One of each? One of each will be cool. My relationship with Deacon is...
What We Do in the Shadows
Any kind of age range? - Young. - But not, not kids? Not kids. 18 to 30?
What We Do in the Shadows
We are the bait. But we're also the trap. Hello ladies.