Found 672 results
The spirit's willing, Kay...
Men in Black
Have yourself checked out with EMS before you leave.
Men in Black
I'll tell you, Kay... ...I will miss the chase. No, Dee... won't.
Men in Black
You trying to catch a beat-down?
Men in Black
Buddy, what are you?
Men in Black
Get your big butt back in the house.
Men in Black
I work my butt off to make a living.
Men in Black
What are you? Watch that ledge. Watch the ledge. Come on down. We'll get those eyes fixed, don't worry.
Men in Black
No, we do not have a sense of humour we're aware of. May we come in? Sure.
Men in Black was he able to walk back in the house?"
Men in Black
I can't decide. You're useless, Beatrice. The only thing that pulls its weight around here is my goddamn truck! Figures.
Men in Black
I swear, I wouldn't be surprised if it was... ...the way you skulk like a dog been hit too much, or not enough!
Men in Black
I'm Dr. Leo Manville, Department of Public Health. This is Dr. White.
Men in Black
What the heck is it?
Men in Black
Bee, we got the deposed sur-prefect of Singalee...
Men in Black
Yes, ma'am. I'm Agent Manheim, this is Agent Black, FBI.
Men in Black