Chrome Bone. I haven't always been the best friend to you. But you've always been that to me. So thank you.
Deadpool 2
Oh, God! Oh, God, time out! Time out! Cut. I've got bad guy blood, right in my open eye. Oh, that's so gross. [GROANING] Fuck. Looks like you left a little landing strip there. I like it.
Deadpool 2
Deadpool 2
I'm sorry, what? You heard me. Trust me, that's a terrible idea. I'm really not ready. You are ready. I'm not. Be at the X-Jet in five. I can do thirty. Now. I can do now. Final offer. REPORTER: Irene Merryweather, WHIT News. Live here at a breaking news situation at the Essex House for Mutant Rehabilitation. A mutant boy is appearing to have some sort of an incident... with police here behind me. RUSSELL: Get away from me! There are two police vehicles that are overturned. There are open fires. Fuck off! Stay back! REPORTER: A scene of absolute chaos here. OFFICER: Calm down. RUSSELL: I'll burn you! You stay back!
Deadpool 2
Deadpool 2
That was effervescent. [SIGHS] Stay in school, kid. Or don't. I didn't. And I'm an X-Man. [THUDS] Trainee. Fuck it! Superhero landing coming up!
Deadpool 2
Stay back or Justin Bieber dies! [LAUGHS] Justin Bieber. He called you Justin Bieber.
Deadpool 2
[WHINES] I just love being around you guys so much.
Deadpool 2
Is this heaven?
Deadpool 2
Kiss me like you miss me, Red. Well, come here. Don't fuck Elvis. Ooh, too late. I'm sorry?
Deadpool 2
Oh, it's so hard to go.
Deadpool 2
Deadpool 2
Go on, you're doing it! My beautiful, hairless, Twizzler-legged baby boy.
Deadpool 2
DEADPOOL: "Heart's in the right place." "Heart's in the right..." What does that mean? COLOSSUS: Take your mask off, Wade. I wish you'd said "pants". Let's play a game. It's called "Adrien Brody or Adam Brody?". Now, close your eyes and open your mouth. COLOSSUS: You don't need to be funny here.
Deadpool 2
All you dirty mutants are gonna rot in hell with the boy! Your souls are beyond redemption! Let's see your soul, perv! No, no! No! No more! We're better than that! We're better than him! No more senseless violence! No more bloodshed! We'll let karma take care of him. The day of reckoning is here!
Deadpool 2
OFFICER: Okay, get these guys in the pod. Take them to the Ice Box.[SIRENS WAILING] [INDISTINCT CHATTER]
Deadpool 2
You wanna survive? Stop trying to shank the biggest guys in here... and make friends with them.
Deadpool 2
But you know something? A wise woman once said to me... "Speak up." "I can't hear you with that pity dick in your mouth." Too much? I went too far. [GRUNTS] [ALL EXCLAIM]