Hey! It's me! Don't scratch! Just cleaning up the timelines! Look, eventually you're going to hang up the claws... and it's gonna make a lot of people very sad. Huh? But one day, your old pal Wade's gonna ask you... to get back in the saddle again. And when he does, say yes.
Deadpool 2
Deadpool 2
This doesn't end with us riding into the sunset. It ends with me dying of cancer... and you winning the Ice Box award for softest mouth. [WADE COUGHS] There's only one person in this world that I care about, and she's gone.
Deadpool 2
Left! Left! You'd have to be insane to take off in this. No, stage left, you idiot!
Deadpool 2
Who says you can't go home again?
Deadpool 2
Deadpool 2
I know. I love you, too.
Deadpool 2
[INDISTINCT SHOUTING] WADE: In every film, there's a moment when the hero hits rock bottom. InCool Runnings, it was when John Candy's prized bobsled broke. InHuman Centipede, it was when those people... signed on to be in that movie. But in this film, well... you're looking at it. GUARD: On your fucking knees, mutant.
Deadpool 2
Man, that sucks they didn't have anything in your size. I really wanted to match, you know? Being a menacing team. [PEOPLE SCREAMING] Oh, man, it sucks. That was some cold-ass shit, kid.
Deadpool 2
AUTOMATED VOICE: [ON PA] System malfunctioning. Cells 7, 12, 14, 27. Back in your cells, you filthy mutants! Get in there! AUTOMATED VOICE: Cells 1, 3, 7, 8.
Deadpool 2
Wonderful kid. RUSSELL: You can't stop me, Wade! [DEADPOOL GROANS]
Deadpool 2
PILOT: [ON PA] A little turbulent up here.
Deadpool 2
Is this heaven?
Deadpool 2
Deadpool 2
RUSSELL: You're a long way from your superpowers. Yeah. Just a touch of cancer. Not to worry, we're old friends. Fuck! I wanted to be a superhero. Always wanted a real super suit. [SIGHS] What happened? When was the last time you saw a plus-sized superhero?
Deadpool 2
My whole life. I've been waiting for someone to come and save me.