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COLOSSUS: [SCOFFS] That's how we do it in Mother Russia.

Deadpool 2


Deadpool 2

Before I go... [COUGHS] Sorry, I got a bit more in me.

Deadpool 2

You commie motherfucker!

Deadpool 2


Deadpool 2


Deadpool 2


Deadpool 2


Deadpool 2

That's exactly what she meant. Your heart needs to be in the right place. I'm not gonna abandon this kid. He's never had anyone, ever. I need to be selfless. Yeah, but what does that mean? It means I'm gonna save Russell. Maybe I couldn't save Vanessa... but maybe I can save a robust teenager from New Zealand. Yeah, but what I mean is, like, the world "selfless." I literally don't know what that means. Jesus Christ. Okay, look. According to my guy, okay... those muties are being transferred to a supermax, 80 miles away. Great, I'll pick 'em off along the way. Hold your testicles there, buddy, okay? We're talking about an armored convoy... and a vicious super soldier from the future... that is looking to turn your skull into a fuckable ashtray. You know what we need to do? We need to build a fucking team. We need 'em tough, morally flexible... and young enough so they can carry this franchise 10 to 12 years. A team of highly-skilled motherfuckers. I'm talking about some Ocean's 14shit. Rogue Two. John Wick 3,but with the original director. DOPINDER: My body is an instrument of death. Not now, Dopinder. I could be of great use. What's your superpower? Courage. That's adorable. Do you have the courage to check and see... if there are enough sanitary napkins in the dispenser? Yes, sir. I'm sorry you had to see that, although I'm glad you heard it. All right, I'll put out a call for resumes. But we're not paying medical or dental. It's time to get back on LinkedIn.

Deadpool 2

[MUSIC STOPS] You're still using my Velcro labels. Aw. They do stick better than tape. Hi, Wade! Please don't. Say whatever it is you're here to say. Make it quick. Right. Quick. It's the kid. Just like you, I let him down. And just like me, he's never had anyone sacrifice anything for him... because the whole world wrote him off as a piece of shit a long time ago. Look, he's teamed up with the Juggernaut! [GASPS] The Juggernaut! Who's, like, my favorite Marvel character ever... And hi, Yukio! That was really nice of you to say hi... so I'm saying hi back. You guys make a super cute couple. Yeah. Where was I? Oh, yeah. You should never meet your heroes... because, honestly, he's a bit of a dick! And like a lot of dicks, he's hard as a rock... and causes nothing but problems! Look, you can stop the Juggernaut. I know you can. Do you know what would happen to me if I helped you? I would be disgraced. You are a criminal, a fugitive. But worst of all... you broke my heart, Wade. Then you know what? Your heart's in the wrong place, big guy. Doing the right thing is sometimes messy... and fucked up, and not particularly convenient! So stay here in Chateau de Virgin... while we go get our fuck on!

Deadpool 2

There's one bullet left in that gun. Wait, wait, wait! Please, just give me a second! I got this. Russell! Stay back! Go home, Wade! Let's talk. It doesn't have to go this way! That piece of shit... he deserves to die for what he did to you. He hurt you badly. Makes you wanna hurt others. But if you kill him, he wins. You become everything he says you are, but worse. You're just a kid. You don't wanna hurt anyone. How do you know what I want? Because I've been inside you. That came out wrong. I've been inside your shoes. Which is also off-putting. It's not a great analogy. The point is... there are people... There are people in this fucking world... besides him, who will treat you right. It isn't too late. Don't do it.

Deadpool 2

Got 'em. God, Russell. I have a mission. To get my revenge. I'm going to burn that headmaster alive. You're not the revenge type. Take it from a friend. Friend? You were sick, and I protected you. You said it yourself. "I'm not your friend. Find someone stronger." So I did. [GRUNTS] Russell, I couldn't protect you back then. But I can now. What do you want me to say, huh? "I care about you"? 'Cause goddamn it, I care about you, Russell. What's Juggernaut got that I don't have? Don't you say legs! I know you're gonna say legs! Legs! Still hurts to hear out loud!

Deadpool 2

[MUMBLES] You came for me. I'm not giving up on you, and you are not giving up on that boy. Who says that rules aren't meant to be broken? It's time to fight dirty. Time to sweep the leg, Johnny. Hey! Pick on someone your own size! That's such a you thing to say! Go get him, tiger! Big CGI fight coming up!

Deadpool 2

All right? There's one out there for you. [COUGHS] Just keep looking, okay?

Deadpool 2

[JUGGERNAUT LAUGHS] Come here, beautiful.

Deadpool 2

They need you. Who?

Deadpool 2


Deadpool 2

So, what's it gonna be, handsome? Give me a chance to save him. What? You said... once he kills someone, he gets a taste for it. If we can get to him before that happens... promise you'll give me a chance to put him on a different path. Define "chance." I don't know. How long does it take to save someone's soul? That's not... I'll give you 30 seconds. What? No! Best I can do. Take it or leave it.

Deadpool 2