But I wouldn't kill a kid. I'm not asking you to kill a kid! I'll kill the kid. I'm asking you to save hundreds of other kids. Russell's gonna burn down that orphanage. And I can imagine your dead girlfriend... would want you to do the right thing, wouldn't she?
Deadpool 2
That's okay. Let me see here. Oh, God. That's why you're such a little bastard. No one's ever changed you. Yeah, you got a big, old stinky in there, don't you? God, it smells like Hitler's anus... which would makes sense, wouldn't it? Yeah. I think we both know I don't have what it takes to do this... so I'm just gonna change your diaper real quick... and then I'm gonna come back with my friend, Cable. He loves killing kids.
Deadpool 2
Deadpool 2
But that isn't Russell. It doesn't have to be him. If you knew what I knew... Yeah, he's got anger issues... maybe a small learning disability... splash of diabetes... but nothing that can't be fixed. If you could go back... and stop the people that took your girl, would you?
Deadpool 2
Am I getting catfished here or...? Any powers you wanna tell us about? PETER: No. I don't have one. Um, I just saw the ad. No superpowers at all? Uh, I have both Type 1 and 2 Diabetes. Ow! Oh! That's all the diabetes. Right? Yeah, you got 'em all. If you find a Type 3, let us know. Yeah. You're in. Yeah. Fuck!
Deadpool 2
Deadpool 2
[GROANS] Holy mommy fucking shit!
Deadpool 2
Please, after you.
Deadpool 2
Deadpool 2
There's gotta be some way to die. I just need to die harder. Trademark Fox. Y'all caught up now?
Deadpool 2
I'm sorry. Shot after shot, it's not gonna change the fact that I think you're... Are you pissing? Are you urinating right now? You're making the face that you make when you urinate. Is he pissing? I'm on it! There you go, Dopinder. If you want to be a contract killer... you gotta handle a mop before you handle a gun. Although I don't quite understand how they are at all similar. 'Cause I could shove either one up your ass and kill you. Now, leave me. I get it.
Deadpool 2
[CROWD EXCLAIMS] [CHUCKLES] Definitely all the way up to the elbow. Come quietly, or there will be trouble. You stole that from Robocop! That's from Robocop! Just stand down! You're embarrassing me. Look, Fire... [LAUGHS] Oh, my God! I can't say it! I'm so sorry! [GRUNTS]
Deadpool 2
I could get used to this X-Man shit. NEGASONIC TEENAGE WARHEAD: Trainee! DEADPOOL: Trainee! OFFICER: Get a power restraint on him. Now! DEADPOOL: Calm down, squirt. It's over. We got ya.