[GROANS, COUGHS] I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Don't be. Don't be. I've been trying to make this happen for a while. Please, just don't leave me. I don't wanna die without an audience. We are not going anywhere. WADE: Oh, God, I hope the Academy is watching. Just rest, okay?
Deadpool 2
OLDER RUSSELL: Blessed are the wicked who are healed by my hand.
Deadpool 2
I'm merely a vessel for the Lord.
Deadpool 2
Happy anniversary, baby. Open, open, open.
Deadpool 2
We're getting close! As a former X-Man... Trainee. Thank you, Bedlam. I was always appalled by the blatant sexism in the group's name. X-Men! Men! The point is, our group will be forward thinking. Gender neutral. From now on, we'll be known as... X-Force. Isn't that a little derivative? I don't recall asking your opinion, Peter! That wasn't me.
Deadpool 2
Please. Please. Baby, I'm so sorry. No!
Deadpool 2
JUGGERNAUT: Beat it, midget!
Deadpool 2
Say it. Say what you said every time you tortured me!
Deadpool 2
[GROANS] Dopinder, it's me again. Look, a saner man might discourage you from joining the deadly merc business... what, with your concave chest and your paper towel tube arms. But you're an eagle... and goddamn it, an eagle's gotta soar. You gotta grab those dreams, grab those dreams by the dick tip... and make it rain! I don't know what that means. Me neither. [BOTH LAUGH]
Deadpool 2
Maybe I can get you out of here.
Deadpool 2
You commie motherfucker!
Deadpool 2
Deadpool 2
Deadpool 2
DOMINO: Whatever. We're gonna lose 'em. I'm dropping in. DEADPOOL: Uh, that's a negative, sole survivor. Luck is not a superpower! We are so fucked! No, we most certainly are not fucked. [CARS HORNS HONKING] [BRAKES SCREECHING] DEADPOOL: Seriously, I don't get it! What, you shoot luck lasers out of your eyes? It's just it's hard to picture. And certainly not very cinematic. I mean, luck? What coked out, glass pipe-sucking freakshow comic book artist... came up with that little chestnut? Probably a guy who can't draw feet!
Deadpool 2
Deadpool 2
I don't know much about this Cable fella... but I guarantee he hasn't killed as many people as melanoma has.