-Oh, shit. -[shaman chanting] What if he tells them about our Mayan wedding?
Vacation Friends
"Titleist 7."
Vacation Friends
Vacation Friends
My man.
Vacation Friends
[coughing, wheezing] Aw, man. Never mind, I'm good. [body thuds]
Vacation Friends
[chuckles] I'm preggers!
Vacation Friends
Put that thing away.
Vacation Friends
A kiss on the forehead is the ultimate sign of respect. I learned that from a sheikh in Kuwait. A forehead kiss is really intimate. You know that, right? Like, I almost proposed to you. -[laughs] -[chuckles]
Vacation Friends
I mean, I was right. I mean, y'all are, like, fucking nuts. -[chuckles] -But-- But in a good way, man.
Vacation Friends
[Emily scoffs]
Vacation Friends
Fubar. My brain is absolutely fubar. I had the key in my other pocket the whole time. [Kyla] You silly goose. -[Harold] Oh, God. -[Kyla] You goofball. -Here we go. -[Kyla] Yes.
Vacation Friends
Twice they've gotten the Presidential Suite. How does this keep happening? [scoffs] -Baby, can I ask you something? -Yes, babe.
Vacation Friends
[Emily's mother] Jesus, I wish we had never hired this caterer. Now he's telling me that he's having trouble sourcing steaks for tomorrow night. I'm so sorry, but I do just have to go on record and say that I told you to go with Ford Fry. -You did not listen to me… -Brooke, please. Okay. [stammers] Guys, please, for me. Mom, I am super positive that the caterer will figure it all out. So for the next two hours, can we just not think about steak? -Yes, dear. -[whispering] Thank you. Wait, guys, steaks? I know a place that has amazing steaks. Ron and I just went there on our way here 'cause it's right down the block. Hal's in Buckhead? They were asking $300 a plate. Oh, no. Girl, this place is under ten. Damn, that's a steal. -What restaurant is this? -Oh, it's called Waffle House.
Vacation Friends
You didn't want to get my shoes messy? I figured you could hold on to them. I didn't know you were gonna drop 'em. I just was trying to save your sh-- You were trying to save my shoes. [laughs] You don't care about my wedding or me being happy for the rest of my life-- I just didn't know what was gonna happen. Ah! Motherfucker! Hey. Okay. You're choking me, man. You're-- -[grunts] -[panting] You're choking me. I know exactly what I'm doing. Marcus, I'm trained to escape this.