Everyone, look. Is that the boy? He's coming to finish the job! He won't rest till I'm dead! He's obsessed! - John, slow the boat down. - No. - I want to go faster. I want... - Sorry, kid. Doc says no. We're going to miss all the good current! - I hope you make it. - Me, too, Dabs.
I dropped the rope!
Stay close. Keep quiet. Kevin's log, day 12. Some force beyond my comprehension still compels me to follow this crew of lunatics, the squirrel killer and their deranged leader. Perhaps it's the magic tree that draws me. - Rifle troop! Fall in! - Hide. They're close. Turn it down now. Stay down.
How is someone already throwing up? Hey, hey, hey, hey. This is not weird to you? -I mean-- -Don't look. They're not weird? They're the only people I've ever heard of to smuggle drugs into Mexico. -I don't know, baby. Screw it. -What? Can we for once, just in our lives, just say "screw it" to all the plans and just get on a damn boat?
Vacation Friends
It wasn't Phyllis. It was your grandfather and I. We just got off on the wrong foot, and he never gave me another chance.
Vacation Friends
[whispering] I'm confused. I was taught by them to step up and do what's right, and I'm doing it. Pass me the wine. Me and Emily took a trip to Mexico where we met these two. And, uh, one night, we got really drunk. Like, like insanely drunk, like really fucked up. I was toe up, and things got a little, um… a little weird.
Vacation Friends
Actually, no.
Vacation Friends
Yeah, it's just, uh… just whale watching. Wait. I have an idea. We were actually gonna go to the water. We can walk you guys down, all chat and get to know each other a little bit more. -What do you say? -All right. Let's go get changed. [Kyla] Yay! I love your whole everything, by the way. -[man chanting] -[baby crying]
Vacation Friends
[Harold] Oh. Darn it, I must have left the keys at the front desk. -Stand down. -Sir, yes, sir. [Kyla] Bye. That's so sweet. -[Emily] Thanks, Dad. -[Harold] Be right back. -Okay, look. Um, could you do me a favor? -Yeah. 'Cause I'm trying to make a good impression on her family. -Sure. -Totally. It's that you don't mention anything about the Mexico trip. Nothing. Nothing at all. Oh, Marcus. You're so funny. It's just one catamaran. It's really not a big deal. Yeah, it's not about the catamaran. Okay? It's all the other crazy shit that happened. All the insane shit, it doesn't need to be mentioned here. At all. Okay, we got you. We got you. It's just, um… Well, the, uh-- the crazy shit is one of the reasons we came here. See, something happened, and it's something intense. I just-- Um, I went to the doctor, and they found a growth in my abdomen. Oh, my God. I'm so sorry. Yeah, and the doctor, I guess he says it's-- it's only gonna get bigger.
Vacation Friends
-[whispering] Grandma. -[wheezes] Oh, Emily. Is that you? Yeah, Grandma. Marcus, say hi.
Vacation Friends
Through her vagina. Huh?
Vacation Friends
Or make a sound. Don't say a single word. You're talking right now. No, I'm not.
Vacation Friends
So what do we do? I'm gonna go make a snare out of that flora.
Vacation Friends
What do you mean, "Stay here," Ron? Where you going? Ron. Ron.
Vacation Friends
Three hundred and seventy-five yards. Dogleg left. Good luck hitting over the trees. [Bennett] And no backing out.
Vacation Friends
-It's a bet. -Fine.
Vacation Friends
I didn't-- I didn't want you to get your shoes messy.