By someone coming down the stairs. Harlan, who came down for a midnight snack. Dad, go back to bed. Which Walt tried to discourage.
Knives Out
We know that the party ended around 11:30. - Good night, Joni. - 'Night. Marta took Harlan upstairs to give him his meds.
Knives Out
Fifteen minutes later, Linda is awoken for the third and final time...
Knives Out
You have been very patient, my friend.
Knives Out
Noted the time. Midnight.
Knives Out
No wonder.
Knives Out
Knives Out
Then Harlan was... I'm sorry, Marta. But yes.
Knives Out
Yeah, we do have that. With your permission, I'd like to spin a little further. Much later that night, you'd have to come back to the house... to retrieve the incriminating tampered vials. However, this time the dogs were outside.
Knives Out
Come on, Marta. This is stoopid with two o's. You don't have a shred of evidence, you're just spinning a fairy tale. Not a shred, no. Just as we have no real proof of Marta mixing up the vials, so it's your word... You have her confession!
Knives Out
Now the circumstances are perfect for the anonymous hirin' of me. You know a crime has been committed by Miss Cabrera, you need her to be caught for it. You cannot reveal how you know.
Knives Out
They barked, waking Meg. No matter. You'll get the vials tomorrow. But tomorrow brings news... Not of a medical error and a guilty nurse, but of a slit throat and a suicide.
Knives Out
Damn! A twisted web and we are not finished untangling it. Not yet. Marta, when Greatnana spotted you climbing down the trellis, she said...
Knives Out
You knew because you've done it a hundred times.
Knives Out
I taped over the label of these two vials.
Knives Out
The vials themselves are identical.
Knives Out
But not accidentally.
Knives Out
The Netflix guys, their business affair guy. He sent something over. It's hard numbers this time, and I just think this is a window that's not gonna stay open. We need to take advantage of it and then you just need to look at the numbers! - Yeah, Walt, look... - Dad! Dad! You... You put me in charge of our books. Let me be in charge! Let me do this! Please! They're not our books, son. They're my books. And this is not how I wanted to have this conversation. But you're right, you're right. It's unfair of me to keep you tethered to something that isn't yours to control. What? No, I've done you a grave disservice.