Why is he always telling me not to touch anything? Yeah. There.
Independence Day
Captain Steven Hiller, United States Marine Corps. I'm sorry, Captain. This is a restricted area. I can't let you pass without clearance. OK. Come here. You want to see my clearance? Maybe I'll just leave this here with you. Let them pass. Let them pass. Get the hell out of the way. Did you see that? Come on down. Come on down.
Independence Day
Can they be killed? Their bodies are just as frail as ours. These two died in the crash. This one, a few weeks later. You just-- You have to get through their technology, which is, I'm sorry to say, far more advanced.
Independence Day
[Assistant Enters Code]
Independence Day
Independence Day
They got one! They got one alive! They got one. Alive. Jesus! Look, will you be OK by yourself, Dave? Fine, Dr. Okun. Yeah--Uh, don't touch anything.
Independence Day
This is-- This is the vault, or as some of us have come to call it, " The Freak Show." Ha ha ha ha ha. " The--"
Independence Day
[High-pitched Whirring] Aah! Doctor! Aah! Aah!
Independence Day
Right here. We got her in the back of the pickup.
Independence Day
Independence Day
El Toro has been completely destroyed.
Independence Day
He's your son? He's my angel. Was his father stationed here? Nah, he, uh... he wasn't his father. But I was kind of hoping he wanted the job, though.
Independence Day
This is Captain Steven Hiller. Captain. Mr. President. Well done. Where is it now? We have it isolated down in the containment lab, sir. I'd like to go see it.
Independence Day
We were lucky. [Chuckles] Today was the first time I used the subway. Thank God for the metro rail. These should last us a while. Don't move. I'll get it for you. Stay still.
Independence Day
Hasn't anyone told you?
Independence Day
[Nervous Laughter] All right. OK. Let's proceed. Now comes the, uh, the really icky part. Ugh. Oh, boy. This is one smelly, disgusting...
Independence Day
Oh, boy. Oh, boy. How long has it been unconscious? About three hours. Let's get him into containment, stat. My son, he's very sick. He needs immediate attention. He's drying out. I want him sprayed down with saline. He has a problem with his adrenal cortex. Please!