Right this way. Where are we going? Right through there, sir. Mr. President, your wife is resting comfortably at the moment. Great. Perhaps if we had gotten to her earlier-- Hey, there she is. Go on.
Independence Day
Let's pick it up, men. We're working on a tight schedule. Let's go! Pick it up, man! Pick it up!
Independence Day
Mommy! Lookit!
Independence Day
Come on in. [Praying In Hebrew] I'm notJewish. Nobody's perfect.
Independence Day
This is the Los Angeles Police Department. Please vacate the premises immediately Please vacate the premises immediately for your own safety.
Independence Day
David, haven't you been watching? David! TV: General. Good afternoon. So far, the phenomenon has not caused any damage. We have to ask you to try to stay calm, and it's important for everyone not to panic. We have a fix on three of the occurrences about to appear over American cities. It's just unreal. Hey, Miguel, come here. TV: One is headed towards Los Angeles. The other two are on our eastern seaboard headed towards New York and Washington, D.C. headed towards New York and Washington, D.C. Marty. Marty.Jamie says this building has an old bomb shelter. We're heading down there now. All right. Um, everybody, head down to the basement. Take it slow. Don't run. Walk down to the basement.
Independence Day
Oh, so this is healthy? Oh, I could get used to it.
Independence Day
Independence Day
Thanks a lot, partner.
Independence Day
[Horn Honks] You jerk! Whoa! [Horn Honks]
Independence Day
Look! They're opening up!
Independence Day
Mr. President. Deploy. That's a go. Alpha Zulu 6-8-9er, that is a go. Here we go.
Independence Day
Independence Day
Open launch tunnel.
Independence Day
Aah! Jesus. They got another one, sir. Two more just went down. They're dropping like flies. We're losing them. All right. Get them out of there. Squadron leaders, retreat to fallback positions. Abort mission right away. Do you read me? Do you copy?
Independence Day
Independence Day
You know, either go get him, or we should head back to the car. All right. I'll get him. You wait here, and don't touch anything. You punched the president? Mein Gott!