I'm trying to figure out how to explain this without sounding like a complete idiot right now. Yeah, I'm not sure that's possible, Batman. I'm not, either.
Kick-Ass 2
After Mindy quit, I decided to stop hitting the heavy bag and start hitting the streets. Hey, Kick-Ass, welcome back! Yeah! Whoo!
Kick-Ass 2
What do you think? I think you almost got me killed! No. What do you think of my line? "Pants on fire." I wrote a whole bunch of 'em.
Kick-Ass 2
If I ever catch you robbing again, shit-burger, I'm gonna go Saudi Arabia on your ass and cut your hand off.
Kick-Ass 2
Hey, you sure you wanna give all your mom's things away? What the hell am I supposed to do with all her stuff?
Kick-Ass 2
I'm really sorry, Marcus. I didn't wanna make you mad. Cut the waterworks, Min. You're 15, not five.
Kick-Ass 2
And that's why he made me promise I'd never stop defending this city.
Kick-Ass 2
Cross my heart, hope to die.
Kick-Ass 2
Run! I'll tell them you saved me. Go!
Kick-Ass 2
Just be careful, all right? Yeah.
Kick-Ass 2
Hit Girl? That's not who you are.
Kick-Ass 2
Yo, Kick-Ass!
Kick-Ass 2
That note that your father gave you, the one that you were supposed to open if anything ever happened. What did it say? That you would take care of me. And that you were supposed to listen to me, right? Well, listen up. I want you in school. I want you to stop talking to that boy. And I want you to promise me that this is never gonna happen again.
Kick-Ass 2
Hey, Min. Hey, Marcus. What's up? I see you answered your phone. That means you're not in school. I was, but I wasn't feeling so good, and so the nurse decided to send me home. Poor thing. Well, I'm almost home. I'll make soup and we can watch Jeopardy! All righty. I'll see you soon, okay? All right.
Kick-Ass 2
This has nothing to do with you being Hit Girl? I'm not gonna find any ninja blades or throwing stars under your bed? No. I just wanted him to like me. Okay?
Kick-Ass 2
I followed you this morning. Saw you get into a cab with some boy, and I lost you guys over the bridge. So now you wanna tell me where you really were today?
Kick-Ass 2
Sweetie, skipping school's not away to get boys to like you. I'm so stupid. Hey, hey. You're one of the smartest little girls I know. Let's go get some pizza.
Kick-Ass 2
Oh, she wants to take the party upstairs. We're gonna have a party. She closed the door.