Found 1387 results
I mean, let's face it, we don't need to discharge a firearm at 30,000 feet. That's not gonna benefit anybody. [gun clanks]
The Man from Toronto
The Man from Toronto
You owe a gender-neutral apology right now. [clears throat] I apologize, gentle… people. [Teddy] Hmm.
The Man from Toronto
Do me a favor. Give me a little silent treatment for the rest of the journey.
The Man from Toronto
Oh, for the love of God, we almost died.
The Man from Toronto
Never, ever lever!
The Man from Toronto
I'm sorry for rootin' against you. I mean, you were a clear favorite, so… Who do you work for?
The Man from Toronto
[Teddy] Who the hell is flying the plane? [grunting] Get off! [screams]
The Man from Toronto
[screams] [automated voice] Seventy-five feet. Pull up. Pull up. Pull up.
The Man from Toronto
-One hundred fifty feet. -[alarms beeping] [grunts]
The Man from Toronto
[automated voice] Warning. Warning. Caution.
The Man from Toronto
[automated voice] Autopilot engaged.
The Man from Toronto
What were you doing in that cabin?
The Man from Toronto
The Man from Toronto
[alarms beeping stops]
The Man from Toronto
[Teddy] Uh… Excuse me, you got a sec?
The Man from Toronto
[Toronto] "Negative." -Negative. -[Lawrence] Negative? You were right behind him. "He ditched the tracker." [unmutes beep]
The Man from Toronto
Follow them.
The Man from Toronto