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JOKER: Listen, you are my gift to this handsome hunka hunka! You belong to him now. Well... (GRUNTS)
Suicide Squad
(GROWLS) He's ugly on the outside, too. Not me, shorty.
Suicide Squad
- Good riddance. - DEADSHOT: Harley! He dies, we die.
Suicide Squad
Suicide Squad
And I'm the bad guy?
Suicide Squad
- What did you say to him? - (CHUCKLES) Nothing. Just having a laugh.
Suicide Squad
You want your life and your kid back.
Suicide Squad
Are you gonna kiss me or not? AMANDA: I have the witch's heart. And Dr. Moone has his.
Suicide Squad
Suicide Squad
Damn. That is just a mean lady. Yeah. You get used to it.
Suicide Squad
Get off me! Son of a...
Suicide Squad
We're moving.
Suicide Squad