Well, I guess you'd like to see the big tamale, huh? Follow me.
Independence Day
Mr. President. General. Welcome to Area 51. Please follow me.
Independence Day
You know, this was supposed to be my weekend off. But no. You got me out here dragging your heavy ass through the burning desert, with your dreadlocks sticking out the back of my parachute. You've got to come down here with an attitude, acting all big and bad. And what the hell is that smell?! Aah! I could've been at a barbecue! But I ain't mad. It's all right. That is all right.
Independence Day
I can understand that.
Independence Day
I don't understand. Where does all this come from? How do you get funding for something like this? You don't actually think they spend $20,000 on a hammer, $30,000 on a toilet seat, do you?
Independence Day
She's a beaut, ain't she?
Independence Day
Watch your step.
Independence Day
Why is he always telling me not to touch anything? Yeah. There.
Independence Day
Captain Steven Hiller, United States Marine Corps. I'm sorry, Captain. This is a restricted area. I can't let you pass without clearance. OK. Come here. You want to see my clearance? Maybe I'll just leave this here with you. Let them pass. Let them pass. Get the hell out of the way. Did you see that? Come on down. Come on down.
Independence Day
Can they be killed? Their bodies are just as frail as ours. These two died in the crash. This one, a few weeks later. You just-- You have to get through their technology, which is, I'm sorry to say, far more advanced.
Independence Day
[Assistant Enters Code]
Independence Day
Independence Day
They got one! They got one alive! They got one. Alive. Jesus! Look, will you be OK by yourself, Dave? Fine, Dr. Okun. Yeah--Uh, don't touch anything.
Independence Day
This is-- This is the vault, or as some of us have come to call it, " The Freak Show." Ha ha ha ha ha. " The--"