What's up? Hey, you want some of this? Then come down here.
Suicide Squad
There's an active terrorist event in Midway City. I want you to enter the city, rescue HVT-1, and get them to safety.
Suicide Squad
There's your pep talk.
Suicide Squad
Suicide Squad
See, they're trying to trap us with our own minds, right? But you look around, we're free, brah. How do you know this? Just trust me. I know, all right? It's a con. Now I'm going, because I got a life to live. Question is, are you coming?
Suicide Squad
MAN: Sir. Midway City is under attack. It's a non-human entity. I think you know what to do, sir. Activate Task Force X and get Amanda Waller and her whole circus on scene ASAP. Sir.
Suicide Squad
- Boss wants to see you. - You know who I am? - (TAZER CLICKING) - (GROANING)