Hey, Isabel and the shooter went up the stairs. Can you cover us? - Kelly! Flank right! - Copy! - Rafe, pan left! Push! - Copy that! - Dorn, follow Rafe! - Yup! Hey, big man. I'm gonna need you to hurt some people. I'll pay for therapy, all right? I'm gonna need it. Seriously. - Yeah, I got you. - I'll hold the middle. - You push hard for the stairs. - Push hard for the stairs. Yeah. Hey. It's good shit, lieutenant. You too, detective. You ain't such a dumbass after all. On me!
Bad Boys for Life
- I need this. I need it. - Hey, whoa! - Excuse me, sir. Excuse me. - What you doing? - Hey, hold on! - Official police business. - That's my car! - This is the police. Back up! - What the fuck? - Come on! It is of no advantage for me to jump off the fucking thing if you take the stairs! I told your ass I wasn't jumping!
Bad Boys for Life
We got Mike Lowrey here!
Bad Boys for Life
Mike, what are you doing?
Bad Boys for Life
You were right, man.
Bad Boys for Life
Oh, what? You embarrassed to be seen like this?
Bad Boys for Life
I need 315 at the Broadmoor Hotel.
Bad Boys for Life
- Ahh! - Come on, man! What else you got?
Bad Boys for Life
Lay suppression fire!
Bad Boys for Life
He needs to suffer.
Bad Boys for Life
Don't do this.
Bad Boys for Life
Ah... I've taken care of that. Shit!
Bad Boys for Life
Stay down.
Bad Boys for Life
I just lost all comms. - Fuck. AMMO? - Marcus, come in. - Shit. - They're jamming us. They know we're here. This is fucked. - I can't get back in. - Still got Baby Barry on an outside frequency. It's just us now.