- ANGELO: (ON PHONE) What? - Hey, Angelo. This is the exterminator you called for your rat problem. My account's looking a little thin. No one gets paid until what needs to get done gets done. Nope. That's not the rules. No money, no honey. Whoa. Here's your boy right now. With about 20 of his new best friends. I'm still seeing zeroes over here, Angie. Listen, stop being cute and do your job! DEADSHOT: They're taking him outta the car now. In about 30 seconds, your window is gonna close forever. Okay. Okay, okay. Relax. There was an accounting error.
Suicide Squad
- We sent it. - (PHONE BEEPS) Now double it for being a dickhead. You got 10 seconds. We're not the kind of people you play with. Did you just... Did you threaten me? This dude's gonna get a sore throat from all the singing he's about to do. You son of a bitch. Pleasure doing business with you, Angie.
Suicide Squad
I know how to make pancakes now. Hey, babe, that's beautiful. Um, she's supposed to be taking care of you.
Suicide Squad
(LAUGHS SLOWLY) I love this guy. He's so intense!
Suicide Squad
Let's say he has an elite clientele.
Suicide Squad
(GRUNTING) Get off me.
Suicide Squad
Suicide Squad
MAN: Shh!
Suicide Squad
Suicide Squad
Suicide Squad
HARLEY: Goody. Somethin' tells me a whole lotta people are about to die! DIABLO: Yeah. It's us. We're being led to our deaths. BOOMERANG: Speak for yourself, mate.
Suicide Squad
Worldwide military is on alert. Our weapons are ineffective. I thought this was contained!
Suicide Squad
MAN: (OVER SPEAKERS) All evacuees must report to a FEMA representative.