All I want is to come home to a fat steak on the table... ...but instead I get this. It looks like poison. Don't take that away! I'm eating that! It is poison, isn't it?
Men in Black
Wait a minute. Let me talk to you!
Men in Black
Blinked with both eyes? He blinked one set, then a completely different set.
Men in Black
Was that before or after he drew the weapon that you claim...
Men in Black
You know, like high beams and low beams.
Men in Black
But you need to lay off the sauce.
Men in Black
I'll see you bright and early, 9:00.
Men in Black
Show us the merchandise, or you'll lose another head. Mr. Edwards... There, the one in the middle. You sold a reverberating carbonizer with mutate capacity... an unlicensed cephalopoid! You piece of... He looked okay to me. It was for an assassination. The target? I don't know. - Goddamn it! - I don't know!
Men in Black
...bunch of monsters at night with quantum physics books? She about to start some shit. Those books are way too advanced for her. If you ask me, she's up to something. I'd appreciate it if you eased up about it. Or do I owe her an apology? Good shot, though, right?
Men in Black
Pest problem?
Men in Black
How'd I feel if somebody bust my ass while I'm on the treadmill? Then I saw this snarling beast.
Men in Black
I noticed he had a tissue in his hand and realized... ...he's not snarling, he's sneezing. Ain't no threat there. Then I saw Tiffany. 8-year-old white girl, middle of the ghetto...
Men in Black
No, thank you, I'm fine.
Men in Black
All right. I'm getting some coffee. You want some?
Men in Black
...and thank you for everything, but show me the door.