Why don't you just tell Anne that you're not into hypnosis... and you wanna play poker with us? I can't do that. She'll get all pissed off... and, besides, I think the guy might actually be able to help. I mean, he did help Anne lose weight.
Office Space
Because l... l... I didn't feel like it.
Office Space
- Hey, Peter. - Drew. That's something about old Smykowski, huh? - Yeah. - Lucky bastard.
Office Space
Thanks, Tom.
Office Space
What is that supposed to mean?
Office Space
So, when the subroutine compounds the interest... it uses all these extra decimal places... that just get rounded off. So we simplified the whole thing... and we round 'em all down and drop the remainder... into an account that we opened. So you're stealing?
Office Space
You see, that's what you have to do.
Office Space
You see, it would be this mat... that you would put on the floor... and it would have different conclusions written on it... that you could jump to.
Office Space
Hello, Peter. What's happening? Um... I'm gonna need you... to go ahead and come in tomorrow... so if you could be here around... nine, that would be great. OK? Oh, oh, and I almost forgot. Um... I'm also gonna need you to go ahead and come in... on Sunday, too, OK? We, um... Iost some people this week... and, uh... we need to sort of play catch-up. Thanks.
Office Space
Hey, Peter, man! Check out channel nine! Check out this chick! Damn it! Lawrence, can't you just pretend... like we can't hear each other through the wall? Oh, sorry, man! Anne over there or somethin'? No, but...
Office Space
Ew... ew... - Is he breathing? - Call 911! Oh! Where's the phone? Where's the goddamn phone?
Office Space
- Really? - Yep. All right, Peter. Ooh, ooh, right on. Make sure you wear a rubber, dude.
Office Space
Wait a minute. Let me take a look at that.
Office Space
Then Mr. Lumbergh told me to talk to payroll... and then payroll told me to talk to Mr. Lumbergh. And I still haven't received my paycheque. And he took my stapler, and he never brought it back. And then they moved my desk to storage room "B." And there was garbage on it, and... Why don't you go back down and sit at your desk? Mr. Lumbergh should be here any minute. - Mr. Lumbergh... - Just go sit at your desk. OK. But, l... I'm gonna just...
Office Space
Watch out for your cornhole, bud.
Office Space
Now I want you to relax your legs.
Office Space
Hey! Hey, guys! Peter! Is that Smykowski?
Office Space
Yeah. Hi. It's Bill Lumbergh again. Uh... I just wanted to make sure you knew... that we did start at the, uh... usual time this morning. Yeah. It isn't a half day or anything like that... so if you could just go ahead... and get here as soon as possible... that would be terrific. Ahh...