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Whoa. Hey, Peter, man. Hey. So, I might be going away for a while. Yeah, I know, man. It's a bummer, dude. What can I say? Yeah. Yeah.

Office Space

Is that your real name? Yeah.

Office Space

- Just coffee. - OK! Sounds like a case of the Mondays.

Office Space

Lumbergh's gonna have me work on Saturday. I can tell already. I'm gonna end up doin' it, because, uh... because I'm a big pussy... which is why I work at Initech to begin with. Uh, yeah, well, I work at Initech... and I don't consider myself a pussy, OK? Yes. I am also not a pussy. They're gonna find out the hard way I'm not a pussy... if they don't start treating their software people better. That's right. They don't understand. I could program a virus that'd rip that place off big time. Yeah. Big time.

Office Space

Just a moment. Corporate accounts payable. Nina speaking.

Office Space

Uh, because... engineers are not good at dealing with customers. Uh-huh. So... you physically take the specs from the customer? Well... no. My secretary does that or the fax. Huh. So then you must physically bring them... to the software people. Well... no. I mean... sometimes. What... what would you say you do here?

Office Space

I was askin' what you were doin' for lunch. Would you like to have lunch with me?

Office Space

Oh. OK, well, I'll tell you what I'll do. I'm gonna go next door and get a table... and if you'd like to join me, uh... no big deal, all right? And if not, that's cool, too. - OK? - OK. All right.

Office Space

Hi. Hey.

Office Space

Ahh... yeah... So I guess we should probably go ahead... and have a little talk, hmm? Not right now, Lumbergh, I'm... I'm kinda busy. In fact, I'm going to have to ask you to go ahead. Just come back another time. I got a meeting with the Bobs in a couple of minutes. Uh, I wasn't aware of a meeting with them. Yeah, they called me at home.

Office Space

Hello, Peter. What's happening? Ahh... we have sort of a problem here. Yeah. You apparently didn't put... one of the new cover sheets on your T.P.S. Reports. Oh, yeah. I'm sorry about that. L... I forgot. Mmm... yeah. You see, we're putting the cover sheets... on all T.P.S. Reports now before they go out. Did you see the memo about this? Yeah. Yeah, I have the memo right here. I just, uh, forgot... but, uh, it's not shipping out till tomorrow... so there's no problem. Yeah. If you could just go ahead and make sure... you do that from now on, that would be great... and, uh, I'll go ahead and make sure... you get another copy of that memo, OK? No. I have the memo. I've got it... lt's right... Hello, Phil. What's happening? Um... I came by here yesterday... Four teams out on the Spanish point... discovered a shipwreck off the coast... Milton?

Office Space

I have to take my stapler back... because I told him it's my stapler.

Office Space

Come on. This isn't Riyadh. They're not going to saw your hands off here. The worst they'd do is put you for a couple of months... into a white-collar, minimum-security resort. Shit, we should be so lucky. They have conjugal visits there. - Really? - Yes. Shit! I'm a free man. I haven't had a conjugal visit in six months. So what do you think? This thing is actually pretty fail-safe, Samir. Samir?

Office Space

Brought mine in a pail... plus Joanna's supposed to come by a little later.

Office Space

I can't believe they had security escort us out. It's not like we're going to steal something.

Office Space

I think the fire pretty much took care of everything. I wonder if the money burn up. It would be shame. Yeah. So you sure you don't want us to get you a job? That's one thing I'm definitely sure of.

Office Space

But that's not much money. That's the beauty of it. Each withdrawal, it's a fraction of a cent, too small to notice. But you take a few thousand withdrawals a day... you space it out over a couple of years... that's a few hundred thousand dollars. It's like "Superman III." "Superman lll"? I have to leave now. I have to get my résumé ready. For another job where they can fire you for no reason? That's right. If I'm lucky. I'm tired of being pushed around. Aren't you? Yes, but I'm not going to do anything illegal. Illegal? Samir, this is America. Come on. Sit down.

Office Space

- I have a question. - Yes? In this conjugal visits, you can have sex with women? Yep, you sure can. OK, I'll do it. That's what I'm talkin' about when I talk about America! Can we discuss the plan? OK, yeah, good, right. It works like a computer virus. All we do is load it into the credit union's mainframe. It'll do the rest. Get me that disk, and I'll take it from there. Before we go any further, all right? We have to swear to God, Allah... that nobody knows about this but us, all right? No family members, no girlfriends. Nobody. - Of course. - Agreed. Don't worry, man! I won't tell anyone, either. - What the fuck is that? - Don't worry. He's cool. All right. Here's how I see it all going down. Peter, congratulations. This is one heck of a promotion. Thank you, Bob. We'll get some people under you right away.

Office Space