Is this magisterial enough for you all? This charade? This is a lavatory! Well, you should feel at home, then, you little coil of shit. Fuck me. Georgy's eyes really do follow you round the crapper. It's weird. Why did they hang a picture of my grandmother in here?
The Death of Stalin
I would like...
The Death of Stalin
- Like a rock... - I know. ...that's sinking and... But I'm confident of everlasting life.
The Death of Stalin
Good luck, ladies. Guards! Guards! Hands up or I'll shoot you in the face. Guards! Oh, shit.
The Death of Stalin
Comrade Beria, this is Maria. She'll be playing piano tonight.
The Death of Stalin
It's the copy of a note I found by Stalin's body, from the pianist.
The Death of Stalin
- Ruched? - Would you stop with this?
The Death of Stalin
Yes. You want to have a look?
The Death of Stalin
You're the parents?
The Death of Stalin
The Death of Stalin
Oh, I must have wronged him so badly. What did I do? No, nothing. Don't you see? Beria, he wants you out.
The Death of Stalin
Get him in the van.
The Death of Stalin
Why has the army been confined to barracks? The decision was mine, supported by Comrade Malenkov. Mm-hmm. Oh, was it indeed? That right, Georgy? It was your call? Um, yes, of course. We had to make a decision. We're discussing the city's security. - I know. - Jesus Christ. Did Coco Chanel take a shit on your head?
The Death of Stalin
Right, because, well, she betrayed the party. - She plotted against Stalin. - No, Nicky. False narrative. - No, no, she was a parasite. - She was a parasite. She betrayed all of us, and, in fact, the evidence was flimsy. There were no witnesses. And look. Polina's back. Is it really you?
The Death of Stalin
- Oh, Jesus! - Fuck my boots! Oh, my God. I'm sorry, boss. I wish I could take it for you. Thick skull, you know. It's an incredibly strong, hard skull. Shut up. We need to think about the Presidium. Yes, succession. We need to...
The Death of Stalin
He's terrified, practically leaving a trail of yellow ice! You're the coach. Coach them so they're as good as the dead team was. - Or I'll have you killed, okay? - Apologies. And agreed. Or I'll just do it myself.