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Inside Out
JOY: And there she was...
Inside Out
JOY: Er, for 33 seconds?
Inside Out
JOY: And that was just the beginning. Headquarters only got more crowded from there.
Inside Out
JOY: Do you ever look at someone and wonder...
Inside Out
Inside Out
I'm Sadness. Oh, hello. I... I'm Joy. So...
Inside Out
"What is going on inside their head?"
Inside Out
Well, I know. Well, I know Riley's head.
Inside Out
Aren't you a little bundle of joy?
Inside Out
Aren't you a little bundle of joy?
Inside Out
JOY: And each Core Memory powers a different aspect of Riley's personality.
Inside Out
SECURITY: Stop right there! BING BONG: Ow!
Inside Out
Inside Out
But that's our only way back! (BOTH GRUNTING)
Inside Out