We need to get her down! We need a ladder! No, we don't believe in ladders. What? They suggest a corporate hierarchy that is counter-productive to my team-building program. What kind of operation are you running here? Seriously, this whole place is, like, full of booby traps! And guess what? Boobs should never be trapped!
Pitch Perfect 2
DSM! Ja! DSM! Ja! DSM! Ja! DSM! Ja!
Pitch Perfect 2
But how good can they be? Germany hasn't produced a good singer since David Hasselhoff.
Pitch Perfect 2
There are so many fresh Danishes here. I swear, if I wasn't recently locked down, I would tear a hole through this city!
Pitch Perfect 2
Good job, Reggie.
Pitch Perfect 2
Come on, lunch!
Pitch Perfect 2
I'm Emily Junk. I know, it's weird. It's my mom's last name. My dad's last name is Hardon, so...
Pitch Perfect 2
Oh. Beca, do you know how awesome you are? You're Beca effing Mitchell.
Pitch Perfect 2
Whatever offers the most money.
Pitch Perfect 2
They've got the crowd going wild! Okay, shake it off. DSM! DSM! Das Sound Machine. An incredible performance once again from the German group. I'm telling you, Gail, though, if the Bellas of old show up tonight, this could be the most significant conflict between America and Germany in history. Crack a book, John.
Pitch Perfect 2
Wait, hold up. Just hold up for a second. "Wait, hold up"? Man, I sound awesome right now. What are you talking about?
Pitch Perfect 2
Someone drop some bass.
Pitch Perfect 2
This is harder than I thought it was gonna be.
Pitch Perfect 2
Do you wanna collaborate on something?
Pitch Perfect 2
- Hey, man. - Yes. Yes, Blake. What's your name, brother? I don't even know right now! Hey, just do me a favor, man. Please, under no circumstances, choose me for your coach. I just want to put that out there. Okay. So, you have a lot of personality. And I love that.
Pitch Perfect 2
You are physically flawless. Thank you. But it doesn't mean I like you.