Yeah, 'cause you're too scared to leave! Sack up, dude! Girl fight! Okay, so you've been lying to us for the entire year and now you're just gonna flake out? Now you're gonna flake out when the Worlds is, like, right after graduation? Oh, my God! Enough about the Worlds! I... I'm out of here. Oh, okay, you're just gonna leave now? We all have to, eventually, Chloe! It might as well be now! Wait, Beca... If you all knew what was good for you, you'd follow me. Beca, the sign!
Pitch Perfect 2
I have enough! I have enough!
Pitch Perfect 2
But yes, this is terrible. The dean is ready for you tramps.
Pitch Perfect 2
Why are you up so late anyways?
Pitch Perfect 2
Wait. Are you being serious?
Pitch Perfect 2
Pitch Perfect 2
I wanna date you. That's what I want.
Pitch Perfect 2
Pitch Perfect 2
No! Okay, she has no underwear on. Oh, my God. We have a commando situation. There is a commando situation on stage! Who is on top of this? - What kind of person... - Holy cow! Take her back up. She's turning. Pull her up already! She's turning. Brace yourselves. No. She's coming. She's coming! Avert your eyes, or take it all in! Make your choice! Not the front! Nobody wants to see the front! Oh, no!
Pitch Perfect 2
Yeah, I look forward to working together. It's nice to meet you. What is it? Elizabeth? Emily. Emily. Elizabeth? What? Emily. Thank you. Thank you.
Pitch Perfect 2
You're definitely asleep right now.
Pitch Perfect 2
Okay, let's take a vote on it. Anyone who wants her in, sing a G-sharp. Anyone who doesn't, sing an E-flat. Okay. One, two...
Pitch Perfect 2
Dude, why do I feel so guilty? I've given a lot to the Bellas, right? It's, like, three years of my life. Yeah, Bec, you should not feel guilty at all about taking your shot. This is a big deal, right? Yes, it's a very big deal. Okay.
Pitch Perfect 2
Anyone have a T-shirt, size extra-small?
Pitch Perfect 2
...the movies? Are you asking me out?
Pitch Perfect 2
Okay! The Barden Knight. Okay, get off the stage. No one cares about you. All right. You have made a great choice, and a cheap one.