Welcome to the finals of the 2012 international Championship of Collegiate A Cappella.
Pitch Perfect
Now, this is exactly the type of performance you would expect to see at the international Championship of Collegiate A Cappella. Am I right, Gail? John, you're so right, everything else seems wrong. Boy, these Barden University Treblemakers always thrill the judges. And the ladies in the room cannot get enough. So true, John. Nothing makes a woman feel more like a girl than a man who sings like a boy.
Pitch Perfect
Hit me with your best shot. Fire away.
Pitch Perfect
Just keep flyering. We have tradition to uphold. How about we just get good singers?
Pitch Perfect
I'm Luke. Station manager. You must be Becky the intern?
Pitch Perfect
I'm gonna stop this.
Pitch Perfect
The winners get the greatest prize of all. I'm taking you down. - The microphone used by Hoobastank... - I don't care. When they rocked out at the Schnee Performing Arts Center.
Pitch Perfect
See, I guess I'm just not really living if I'm not being 100% honest.
Pitch Perfect
My God. This is a travesty. God, if we can't even recruit Baloney Barb, then we can't get anybody. Just take the dramatics down a notch, okay? Hi, do you wanna... Well, you're the one who got us into this hot mess. We'll be fine. I am confident that we will find eight super-hot girls with bikini-ready bodies who can harmonize and have perfect pitch. Okay? Hi, would you like to be a member of...
Pitch Perfect
That was a really good start. I'm the best singer in Tasmania. With teeth.
Pitch Perfect
You took an oath.
Pitch Perfect
Mickey, you're So fine you're so fine You blow my mind. Hey, Mickey Hey, Mickey Mickey, you're so fine... You're so fine and you're mine I'll be yours till the end of time. 'Cause you made me feel. Yeah, you made me feel. So shiny and new.
Pitch Perfect
I'm an open book. I mean, for God's sake, you guys all call me Fat Amy.
Pitch Perfect
No English?
Pitch Perfect
Hands in.
Pitch Perfect
That song is tired. We're not gonna win with it. If we pull samples from different genres and layer them together, we could make some... Okay, let me explain something to you because you still don't seem to get it.
Pitch Perfect
There's four groups on campus. The Bellas. That's us. We're the tits.