So, you know German. Well, now I know why you don't like fun things. You know, you need a movie education. You need a movie-cation. And I'm gonna give it to you. Yeah, in between Bella rehearsals, which are always.
Pitch Perfect
I feel like only music can do that. Yeah. You must really sweep your girlfriend off her feet.
Pitch Perfect
We are from the Collegiate A Cappella Association. It has come to our attention that you are not in college.
Pitch Perfect
Yes, I'm Gail Abernathy McCadd, and to my right is fellow a cappella alum John Smith and we are live from Carolina University. It's a new season for a cappella. The regionals begin the long road to Lincoln Center where all of these youngsters hope to one day win a trophy by making music with their mouths.
Pitch Perfect
What's this? As much as I love spending time with you stacking CDs... And I do. I love it, like, more than life.
Pitch Perfect
Pitch Perfect
Click on "Guy Pukes on Cat." Enough! It happened. It's over.
Pitch Perfect
The key is early diagnosis.
Pitch Perfect
That's right!
Pitch Perfect
You should probably lay off the burgers.
Pitch Perfect
I'm calling an emergency Bella meeting. No. First up... Yes. Our score sheet revealed that the Sockappellas almost beat us. And Fat Amy, you need to do it exactly how we rehearsed it, okay? No surprises. We should be taking risks. It's not enough to be good, we need to put ourselves out there, be different. Beca's right. The Trebles never sing the same song twice. The audience love the Trebles, they tolerate us. We could change the face of a cappella if we... My God, that sounded so queerballs. What's happening to me?
Pitch Perfect
Okay. That is everybody. I'm really not that impressed this year, guys.
Pitch Perfect
Don't stress, Aubrey. Relax. We don't want a repeat of what happened last year.
Pitch Perfect
She is fine, thank you for asking. She's actually in Vegas at a conference... No, Dad, I don't actually care. L just wanted to say "stepmonster."